Ms. Tasnuva Huque
Level: 3
Kha-224 Merul Badda
Dhaka 1212. Bangladesh
Tasnuva Huque is working as a Psychosocial Counselor and Lecturer in Counseling Unit of BRAC University since 2013. She is a trained and experienced mental health Professional with a history of working in the NGO, hospital and University with adolescent, adult and parents. She has expertise in conducting individual, pair, group, parent counseling; facilitating workshop, training, seminar and other works related to mental health. Her professional goal is to work with people with mental health concern and empower them to build self esteem and wholesome relationships in their lives. Her passion is to write on mental health that will help to increase awareness among the community. For the past few years, her core research interest has been on Transactional Analysis, Mental Health and Counseling.
- M.Phil in Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Dhaka (1st part completed, thesis is ongoing)
- Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) Program, Asha Counseling and Training Services, Coimbatore, India; certified by Training and Certification Council of Transactional Analysts Inc. (T&CC), USA (ongoing)
- Training on Psychotraumatology and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychotraumatology and EMDR,Trauma Aid / HAP Switzerland (ongoing)
- ToT on Strengthening Capacity of Crisis Responders on addressing mental health issue with in crisis preparedness and management, Department of Disaster Management, Government of Bangladesh (ongoing)
- Diploma in Counseling (Transactional Analysis and Neuro Linguistic Programing – TA and NLP), Asha Counseling and Training Services, Coimbatore, India (2014)
- ToT on Counseling Standards and Protocol; Training, Counseling and Research Centre, Bangalore, India (2014)
- Masters in Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Dhaka (2009)
- Honors in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka (2008)
Huque, T., & Mushtaq, M. (2018). Exploring specific injunctions and drivers for the social exclusion of intersex people (hijra) of Bangladesh. In ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association) - SAATA (South Asian Association of Transactional Analysis) Conference 2018. Kerala: ITAA-SAATA.
Huque, T., & Chowdhury, N. W. (2011). Psychological adjustment of child as a function of child age, gender, and perception of parental acceptance and rejection. In International Conference on Educational and Counseling Psychology. Dhaka: Unversity of Dhaka.
Magazine/Newspaper Articles
Huque, T. (2019). Monta Jeno thake dudhe vaate (মনটা যেন থাকে দুধেভাতে). Daily Kaler Kantha. Retrieved from https://www.kalerkantho.com/feature/Tutor/2019/11/16/839638 %0A
Huque, T. (2019, August 30). Living in the shadow of depression! Daily Sun. Retrieved from https://www.daily-sun.com/magazine/details/419246/2019/08/30/-Living-In-...
Huque, T. (2019). Understanding parenting. Daily Sun. Retrieved from https://www.daily-sun.com/post/376037/2019/03/08/Understanding-Parenting%0A
Huque, T. (2019). Understanding your child’s psyche. Daily Sun. Retrieved from https://www.daily-sun.com/amp/post/286078
Huque, T. (2017). Growing up creative: Parents need to understand how to let their children’s creativity flourish. Dhaka Tribune. Retrieved from http://www.dhakatribune.com/opinion/2017/08/13/growing-up-creative/%0A
Huque, T. (2017). Somosha somadhane proyjon somporker jotno (সমস্যা সমাধানে প্রয়োজন সম্পর্কের যত্ন). Daily Ittefaq. Retrieved from http://epaper.ittefaq.com.bd/?archiev=yes&arch_date=16-01-2017# %0A
Huque, T. (2016). Somporke bishash, sroddha, valobasha, antorikota bojay rakhun (সম্পর্কে বিশ্বাস, শ্রদ্ধা, ভালোবাসা, আন্তরিকতা বজায় রাখুন). Daily Ittefaq. Retrieved from https://archive1.ittefaq.com.bd/print-edition/projonmo/2016/07/25/133127...
Huque, T. (2018). A journey to discover self. SAATA Newsletter, 2(1), 9. Retrieved from http://www.saata.org/newsletter-pdf-files/Newsletter-Jan-2018.pdf%0A
Huque, T. (2015). Acceptance within…. Counseling Unit Newsletter, Brac University, 1(2), 10–11.
Huque, T. (2015). Manoshik Shastho o Counseling. Halkhata Magazine, 9(1), 177–180.
Huque, T., & Mushtaq, M. (2014). Mental health: Let’s end the stigma of mental illness. Counseling Unit Newsletter, Brac University, 1(1), 18–19.
Huque, T., & Islam, S. (2011). Counseling and mental health. Educational and Counseling Psychology Newsletter, 1(3), 6.
- May’13 – present: Psychosocial Counselor and Lecturer, Counseling Unit, BRAC University
- March’12 – April’13: Psychosocial Counselor, Psychosocial Counseling Support Services, SAJIDA Foundation
- 2011-2012: Counselor, Department of Psychiatry, Dhaka Medical College and Hospit
- 2009 – 2011: Counselor, Students’ Counseling and Guidance Office, Teacher-Student Centre, University of Dhaka
- Psy 101: Introduction to Psychology
- Psy 421: Psychology for Architects
- How to Appreciates Others, Maya apa, 2017
- Handling Relationship Issue, Radio Next 93.2 FM, 2017
- Life Journey with Autism: Care for Caregiver, Institute of Pediatric Neurodisorder and Autism (IPNA), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), 2015
- Overcoming Social Anxiety, Anger Management, Coping with Stress, Dhaka FM 90.4, 2013
Conference Attended
- Transactional Analysis (TA) Forum Bangladesh: Empower Self and Lead a Meaningful Life, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Dhaka (2014)
- National Event: Workshop and Conference on psychological Support for Disadvantaged Children, Aparajeyo Bangladesh and ARBAN (2013)
- Suicide Prevention: Role of mental health workers, 2nd annual conference and general meeting, Association Of Therapeutic Counselors Bangladesh (ATCB) (2012)
- International study circle on child education, Integrated Educational-Cultural Program (IECP), FULKI, Chittagong (2011)
- Psychotherapy - Essential for management of psychiatric disorder, 1st annual conference and general meeting, Association Of Therapeutic Counselors Bangladesh (ATCB) (2011)
- 3rd International Conference on Educational and Counseling Psychology, Department of Psychology and Student Counseling and Guidance Office, University of Dhaka (2011)
- Making a difference in the life of school children, Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka (2010)
- Bronze, Silver and Gold Award from The Duke of Edinburg’s International Award, UK for young people in the year 2010, 2011 and 2012
- Merit Scholarship from the Board of Higher Secondary Education, Barisal for five years of undergraduate studies, 2004-2008
- Merit Scholarship from the Board of Secondary Education, Barisal for two years of Higher Secondary studies, 2002-2003
- International membership in International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA)
- International membership in South Asian Association of Transactional Analysis (SAATA)
- National membership in Bangladesh Educational and Counseling Psychology Society (BECPS)
- National membership in Dhaka University Psychology Alumni Association
- National membership in ‘Counselor Association’ of Ain o Salish Kendra
Workshop/Seminar/Training Participation:
- Basic Training in Gestalt Therapy (2017)
- Yoga and Meditation Retreat (2017)
- Faculty Development Training on Pedagogy (2017)
- Training on Mental Health First Aid (2017)
- Workshop on Art of Emotional Literacy to Explore Meaning For Life (2017)
- Workshop on ‘Core Elements of Counseling for Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ issues (2015)
- E-learning course on Basic Concepts on Sexuality -Module-1 of TARSHI’s e-learning course on Basics and Beyond: Integrating Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (2015)
- An Overview of Professional Counseling Supervision (2014)
- ToT Workshop on Counseling Standards and Protocol (2014)
- Workshop on Care for Caregivers (2014)
- Workshop on Mindfulness for Stress Reduction (2014)
- Training on Trauma and Disaster Response (2013)
- Training in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy (2013)
- Introductory course on Transactional Analysis -101 (2013)
- Faculty Orientation Workshop: Steps to Success at BRAC University (2013)
- Workshop on Suicide Risk Assessment and Management (2013)
- Training on Child Development (2013)
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) Foundation Workshop ((2012)
- Training of the Trainers (2012)
- Training on Facilitation Skills (2012)
- Training on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (2012)
- Training on Anger Management (2012)
- Training on Human rights, Gender law, and Family law (2011)
- Training on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (2011)
- Training on Qualitative Research (2011)
- Training on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2011)
- Training on Social skill (2011)
- Workshop on Stress management, Family Therapy, Child Abuse and Violence, Parenting Program, Life Skills (2011)
- Training on Medistic Psychotherapy (2010)
- Workshop on Drug addiction Prevention, Self Defense (2010)
Workshop Conduction:
- Understanding Depression: Feel well live well
- Non Violent Communication
- Learn to Express Anger in Healthy Way
- Let’s Appreciate Ourselves
- Take a Minute, Change a Life (How to help others)
- Self-empowerment against Sexual Harassment
- Learn how to feel more RELAXED (Stress Management)
- Meditation: A Piece of Peace
- Effective Relationship Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Team Building
- Self Love and Self Respect
- Acceptance and Goal Setting
- Managing Exam Anxiety
- Heal your Pain (coping with grief)
- Enhancing Self-Confidence
- Adjustment With Self and Others
- Faculty Orientation Program
- Parents’ Orientation Program
- First Year Advising Team (FYAT) Orientation
Training Conduction:
- Skill Development Training for Psychosocial Helper
- Facilitation Skills and Skill Development for Para Counselor
Seminar Conduction:
- World Mental Health Day
- Positive Parenting Skills
- Parenting for Student Success and Wellbeing
- Living with Autism: Care for Caregiver
- Healthy Ways of Managing Anger
Module Development:
- Prepared five days Training of Trainers (ToT) Module for psychosocial helper under the training program named “Skill Development: Project Urban Street Children Program” (USCP), BRAC (2014)
- Prepared Session Module for psychosocial helper under the training program named “Skill Development: Project Urban Street Children Program” (USCP), BRAC (2014)
- Prepared session module for psychosocial helper to work with underprivileged people (2013)
- Prepared module for skill development of NGO workers (2012)
- Rapporteur in the ToT training on Psychosocial Support for Abused Children (2011- 2012)
Counseling Services:
- Individual Counseling
- Pair Counseling
- Parent Counseling
- Group Counseling
Workshop Conduction:
- Understanding Depression: Feel well live well
- Non Violent Communication
- Learn to Express Anger in Healthy Way
- Let’s Appreciate Ourselves
- Take a Minute, Change a Life (How to help others)
- Self-empowerment against Sexual Harassment
- Learn how to feel more RELAXED (Stress Management)
- Meditation: A Piece of Peace
- Effective Relationship Skills
- Effective Communication Skills
- Team Building
- Self Love and Self Respect
- Acceptance and Goal Setting
- Managing Exam Anxiety
- Heal your Pain (coping with grief)
- Enhancing Self-Confidence
- Adjustment With Self and Others
- Faculty Orientation Program
- Parents’ Orientation Program
- First Year Advising Team (FYAT) Orientation
Training Conduction:
- Skill Development Training for Psychosocial Helper
- Facilitation Skills and Skill Development for Para Counselor
Seminar Conduction:
- World Mental Health Day
- Positive Parenting Skills
- Parenting for Student Success and Wellbeing
- Living with Autism: Care for Caregiver
- Healthy Ways of Managing Anger
Module Development:
- Prepared five days Training of Trainers (ToT) Module for psychosocial helper under the training program named “Skill Development: Project Urban Street Children Program” (USCP), BRAC (2014)
- Prepared Session Module for psychosocial helper under the training program named “Skill Development: Project Urban Street Children Program” (USCP), BRAC (2014)
- Prepared session module for psychosocial helper to work with underprivileged people (2013)
- Prepared module for skill development of NGO workers (2012)
- Rapporteur in the ToT training on Psychosocial Support for Abused Children (2011- 2012)