1. General Education Courses [21 credits] (Compulsory for all students unless exempted to take higher level/alternative courses)
ENG 091: Basic English (non-credit)
ENG 101: English Fundamentals (3 credits)
ENG 102: English Composition (3 credits)
CSE 110: Programming Language I (3 credits)
MAT 120: Mathematics II (3 credits)
DEV 101: Bangladesh Studies (3 credits)
HUM 103: Ethics and Culture (3 credits)
PHY 111: Principles of Physics I (3 credits)
2. COURSES OUTSIDE THE DEPARTMENT [27 credits] (The credits to be made up by students by taking courses from other departments in consultation with their Academic Advisors)
3. Course Requirements For The Computer Science and Engineering Major [64 credits]
CSE 111: Programming Language II (3 credits)
CSE 220: Data Structures (3 credits)
CSE 221: Algorithms (3 credits)
CSE 230: Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)
CSE 250: Circuits and Electronics (3 credits)
CSE 251: Electronic Devices and Circuits (3 credits)
CSE 260: Digital Logic Design (3 credits)
CSE 320: Data Communications (3 credits)
CSE 321: Operating System (3 credits)
CSE 330: Numerical Methods (3 credits)
CSE 331: Automata and Computability (3 credits)
CSE 340: Computer Architecture (3 credits)
CSE 341: Microprocessors (3 credits)
CSE 350: Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques (3 credits)
CSE 370: Database Systems (3 credits)
CSE 420: Compiler Design (3 credits)
CSE 400: Project & Thesis (4 credits)
CSE 421: Computer Networks (3 credits)
CSE 422: Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
CSE 423: Computer Graphics (3 credits)
One 3 credit CSE elective (3 credits)
CSE course (60)+ Project (4) = 64 credits
4. ELECTIVE COURSES [24 credits] Following courses are recommended and remaining credits to be made up by students by taking courses from his/her major department or other departments in consultation with their Academic Advisors [to do major or minors, if desired]
CSE 360: Computer Interfacing (3 credits)
CSE 460: VLSI Design (3 credits)
CSE 461: Digital System Design (3 credits)
CSE 470: Software Engineering (3 credits)
CSE 471: Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits)
MAT 215: Mathematics for Machine Learning & Signal Processing (3 credits)
MAT 216: Mathematics IV (3 credits)
PHY 112: Principles of Physics II (3 credits)
The Computer Science and Engineering major thus requires a total of 60 pure CSE course credits and a four-credit senior internship/project. The approved UGC curriculum stipulates a total of 136 credits for the Bachelor of Science degree. A student doing a CSE major is free to use the remaining 72 credits to fulfill the University’s general education and other requirements such as complete voluntary minors. As is customary in liberal arts education, a student needs about half of the total credits to complete the major requirements.
A list of Elective Courses from the CSE Department
CSE 101: Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits)
CSE 310: Object Oriented Programming (3 credits)
CSE 342: Computer Systems engineering (3 credits)
CSE 360: Computer Interfacing (3 credits)
CSE 371: Management Information Systems (3 credits)
CSE 390: Technical Communication (3 credits)
CSE 391: Programming for the Internet (3 credits)
CSE 392: Signals and Systems (3 credits)
CSE 410: Advance Programming In UNIX (3 Credits)
CSE 419: Programming Languages and Competitive Programming (3 Credits)
CSE 424: Pattern Recognition (3 credits)
CSE 425: Neural Networks (3 credits)
CSE 426: Advanced Algorithms (3 credits)
CSE 427: Machine Learning (3 credits)
CSE 428: Image Processing (3 credits)
CSE 429: Basic Multimedia Theory (3 credits)
CSE 430: Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
CSE 431: Natural Language Processing (3 Credits)
CSE 432: Speech Recognition and Synthesis (3 Credits)
CSE 460: VLSI Design (3 credits)
CSE 461: Introduction to Robotics (3 credits)
CSE 462: Fault Tolerant Systems (3 credits)
CSE 470: Software Engineering (3 credits)
CSE 471: Systems Analysis and Design (3 credits)
CSE 472: Human Computer Interface (3 credits)
CSE 473: Financial Engineering & Technology (3 credits)
CSE 474: Simulation and Modeling (3 credits)
CSE 490: WAN Routing and Technologies (Special Topics) (3 credits)
CSE 490: Special Topics (3 credits)
CSE 491: Independent Study (3 credits)