EEE 421 Power Electronics
EEE 421IL Power Electronics Laboratory – v3
EEE 422 Power Electronics Laboratory (1.5 credits) – v1, v2
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 421 EEE 421IL |
Course Title: |
Power Electronics Power Electronics Laboratory |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 3 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture, Laboratory |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 308 Electronic Circuits II EEE 308L Electronic Circuits II Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
Equivalent Course |
ECE 421 Power Electronics
ECE 421IL Power Electronics Laboratory – v3 ECE 422 Power Electronics Laboratory (1.5 credits) – v1, v2 |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Power semiconductor devices: Power transistors, Fast recovery diodes, Thyristors, Power TRIAC, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO, UJT and DIAC-characteristics, rating, Protection circuits, Driver Circuits. Power supplies: Single Phase and Three Phase Controlled rectifiers, Design of Trigger circuits, Switching mode regulators – Boost, Buck, Buck-Boost and Cuk regulators, AC voltage regulator. Inverters: Voltage and current source inverters, Resonant, Series inverter, PWM inverter. Choppers: Type A, B, C and D choppers, Pulse width modulation - Gating requirements. Motor control: DC motor drives, Induction and Synchronous motor drives, Stepper motor control, Switched reluctance and brushless motor drives. This course has 3 hours/week mandatory integrated laboratory session (EEE421IL).
C. Course Objective:
The objectives of this course are to
a. introduce different semiconductor switching devices and the triggering method of these devices
b. enable students to understand basic concept SMPS and choose design according to requirement
c. provide basic understanding of AC voltage converter and inverters
d. enable students to analyze different motor driver and control circuits
e. provide basic concepts of losses in power electronic circuits
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Describe switching characteristics of different power electronic switching devices. |
CO2 |
Design different converter and inverter circuits based on specific requirements. |
CO3 |
Apply the knowledge of power converters in motor drives. |
CO4 |
Construct switching and power converter circuits using laboratory equipment. |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Describe switching characteristics of different power electronic switching devices. |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Design different converter and inverter circuits based on specific requirements. |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Apply the knowledge of power converters in motor drives. |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Assignment, Exam |
CO4 |
Construct switching and power converter circuits using laboratory equipment. |
e |
Cognitive/Apply Psychomotor/ Precision |
Laboratory |
Lab Work, Lab Exam |
EEE 423 Power Plant Engineering
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 423 |
Course Title: |
Power Plant Engineering |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Power plants: general layout and principles, steam turbine, gas turbine, combined cycle gas turbine, hydro, coal and nuclear power plants. Power plant instrumentation. Selection of location: Technical, economic and environmental factors. Load forecasting. Generation scheduling: deterministic and probabilistic. Electricity tariff: formulation and types.
C. Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are
a. To introduce students to different aspects of power plant engineering, types of power plants, site selection criteria of each of them.
b. To familiarize the students to the working principle of power plants based on different fuels.
c. To expose the students to the principles of safety and environmental issues aspects of power plant operation
d. To enable students to understand recent electricity tariff, power plant economics and energy storage.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Explain the working principle of different types of power plants |
CO2 |
Understand the basic concepts of load forecasting, generation scheduling, energy storage and electricity tariff |
CO3 |
Assess technical, economic and environmental aspects of power plants |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Explain the working principle of different types of power plants |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam, Assignment |
CO2 |
Understand the basics of load forecasting, generation scheduling, energy storage and electricity tariff |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam, Assignment |
CO3 |
Assess technical, economic and environmental aspects of power plants |
f |
Cognitive/ Evaluate |
Lectures, notes |
Exam, Assignment |
F. Text and Reference Books:
Sl. |
Title |
Author(s) |
Publication Year |
Edition |
Publisher |
1 |
Power Station Engineering and Economy |
Bernhardt G. A. Skrotzki and William A. Vopat |
1999 |
Tata-McGraw Hill Edition |
2 |
Modern Power Station Practices |
1991 |
Pergamon Press |
EEE 425 Switchgear & Protection
EEE 425IL Switchgear & Protection Laboratory – v3
EEE 426 Switchgear & Protection Laboratory (1.5 credits) – v1, v2
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 425 EEE 425IL |
Course Title: |
Switchgear & Protection Switchgear & Protection Laboratory |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 3 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture + Laboratory |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
Equivalent Course |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Introduction of switchgear, switchgear accommodation, features of a switchgear, purpose of power system protection, switchgear equipment, review of faults in power system. Electric arcs, arc extinction mechanism, transient recovery voltage. Circuit Breakers: Trip circuit, operating mechanisms, construction and operation of Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB), Air Circuit Breaker (ACB), Air Blast Circuit Breaker (ABCB), Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB), Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB), Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB) and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker. High Rupturing Capacity (HRC) Fuse, Drop out Fuse (DOF), Load Break Switches, Contactors. Bus bar layout, isolators, earthing switch; lightning arresters, CT, PT.Function of protective relays, overlapping zone, backup relaying, and necessity of having more protective zones, General requirements for protective relaying, classification of Relays, Electro mechanical relays, static relays, digital relays, numerical relays, and microprocessor based relays. Characteristics of different O/C relays, non-directional time and current graded schemes, current-time grading using IDMT relays, standard IDMT Relay, construction feature of the directional relay, operation, phasor diagram of the directional relay, methods of connection. Operation of circulating current differential protection (Mertz Price Protection). Distance relay: operation, classification, impedance relay, reactance relay and Mho relay. Protection of transmission lines or feeders, motors, transformers, generators and bus-zone. Protection against over voltages, lightning & grounding Condition monitoring of electrical equipment. This course has 3 hours/week mandatory integrated laboratory session (EEE425IL).
C. Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are
e. To explain the need of protection of power system components and their protection schemes.
f. To provide knowledge of construction & operating principle of various protection relays and circuit breakers.
g. To teach students about the protection of main components in a power system.
h. To develop an ability and skill to design the suitable protection systems needed for each part of a power system.
i. To provide a basic knowledge of condition monitoring of electrical equipment.
j. To gain hands-on experience through conducting lab experiments.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Apply an appropriate fault detection scheme to protect against various faults in power system components. |
CO2 |
Explain basic of condition monitoring of electrical equipment. |
CO3 |
Use software and hardware tools to study the characteristics of various switchgear equipment. |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Apply an appropriate fault detection scheme to protect against various faults in power system components. |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam, Assignment |
CO2 |
Explain basic of condition monitoring of electrical equipment. |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Use software and hardware tools to study the characteristics of various switchgear equipment. |
e |
Cognitive/ Apply Psychomotor/ Manipulation |
Lab class |
Lab Work, Lab Exam |
EEE 427 Power System Reliability
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE427 |
Course Title: |
Power System Reliability |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory STA 201 Elements of Statistics and Probability |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Basic probability theory. Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal. Reliability concepts: Failure rate, outage, mean time to failure, mean time to restoration, series and parallel systems and redundancy. Markov models. Models and methodologies for power systems reliability assessment. Reliability indices. Reliability evaluation techniques of generation, transmission and distribution systems. Substation reliability analysis. Effect of uncertainties in reliability evaluation. Reliability analysis of renewable energy systems.
C. Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are
a. To study basic concepts of power generation, transmission and distribution system reliability evaluation.
b. To develop an ability and skill to design a system with respect to desired reliability indices
c. To provide knowledge of the probability theory for power systems reliability evaluation.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Apply concepts of the probability theory for power systems reliability evaluation |
CO2 |
Assess the reliability of power generation, transmission and distribution systems |
CO3 |
Design a system (e.g., a radial distribution system) with respect to desired reliability indices |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Apply concepts of the probability theory for power systems reliability evaluation |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Assignment, Exam |
CO2 |
Assess the reliability of power generation, transmission and distribution systems |
b |
Cognitive/ Analyze |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Design a system (e.g., a radial distribution system) with respect to desired reliability indices |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
EEE 429 Power System Operation and Control
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE429 |
Course Title: |
Power System Operation and Control |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
This course starts with the idea of ‘Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)’ and establishes the essential frameworks of generators, their control, concepts of economic dispatch and power flow analysis. Then it covers state estimation for a DC and AC system, Unit Commitment and its relation with economic dispatch and automatic generation control. Moreover, the course gives a brief idea about the automatic generation control of a single area and two area model and motives, market players and operating mechanism of an electricity market. Finally, this course discusses about the security of a power system and optimal power flow, its algorithms and applications.
C. Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to:
a. enable students to understand the solution methods of economic dispatch, static state estimation and unit commitment.
b. help students to apply the gradient and the Newton’s method to unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems.
c. enable students to explain the automatic generation control and carry out a small-signal analysis of a multi-area system.
d. provide students with the knowledge of evolution, present scenario and market players of an electricity market and security of a power system
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Discuss the basic structure of SCADA and techniques to control power flow, frequency and voltage |
CO2 |
Apply the knowledge of power system operation to perform system state estimation and unit commitment |
CO3 |
Explain the significance of automatic generation control, electricity market and optimal power flow |
CO4 |
Design a power system considering both security and economy |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Discuss the basic structure of SCADA and techniques to control power flow, frequency and voltage |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Apply the knowledge of power system operation to perform system state estimation and unit commitment |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO3 |
Explain the significance of automatic generation control, electricity market and optimal power flow |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO4 |
Design a power system considering both security and economy |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
EEE 431 High Voltage Engineering
EEE 431IL High Voltage Engineering Laboratory – v3
EEE 432 H High Voltage Engineering Laboratory (1.5 credits) - v1, v2
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE431 EEE431IL |
Course Title: |
High Voltage Engineering |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 3 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture + Laboratory |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
The course starts with the generation of high alternating voltages and high DC voltages (voltage doubler circuits, voltage multiplier circuits, cascaded transformer, Van de Graff Generator). Then it covers the mechanism of corona discharge, lightning discharge and electrical breakdown in gas, solid and liquid. It also introduces the students to impulse voltage, its generation circuits, dimensional elements and control. Moreover, this course gives a brief idea about overvoltage, insulation coordination, its statistical approach and high voltage measurement methods. This course has 3 hours/week integrated laboratory session (EEE431IL).
C. Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to-
a. enable students to understand the basic theory of generation of high alternating and DC voltages
b. help students to develop an understanding of corona discharge, impulse voltage and electrical breakdowns in different types of materials.
c. provide students with a foundation for understanding the phenomena involved in non-destructive insulation and testing as well as over voltages in power systems.
d. introduce students to various methods for measuring high voltages and high transient currents
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Explain the methods and the corresponding generation circuits for generating high AC and DC voltages |
CO2 |
Analyze the phenomena of corona discharge, impulse voltage and electrical breakdown |
CO3 |
Apply the knowledge of high voltage to understand the various reasons of over voltage in power systems and protection methods against them |
CO4 |
Select appropriate models to measure high voltage and currents |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment Tools |
CO1 |
Explain the methods and the corresponding generation circuits for generating high AC and DC voltages |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, Notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Analyze the phenomena of corona discharge, impulse voltage and electrical breakdown |
b |
Cognitive/ Analyze |
Lectures, Notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Apply the knowledge of high voltage to understand the various reasons of over voltage in power systems and protection methods against them |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, Notes |
Quiz, Assignment, Exam |
CO4 |
Select appropriate models to measure high voltage and currents |
a |
Cognitive/ Evaluate |
Lectures, Notes |
Assignment, Exam |
EEE 433 Power System II
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 433 |
Course Title: |
Power System II |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Transmission line: Overhead vs. underground power transmission systems, main components of overhead transmission line, classification of transmission line. Conductors: Aluminium vs. Copper conductor, types of conductors Transmission line parameters: Inductance - inductance due to internal flux, flux linkages between points external to an isolated conductor, flux linkages of one conductor in a group, single-phase two-wire line, composite-conductor lines, three-phase lines with equilateral/unsymmetrical spacing, bundled conductors, skin effect Capacitance - electric field of a long straight conductor, potential difference between points due to a charge, capacitance of a two-wire line, capacitance of three-phase line with equilateral/unsymmetrical spacing, capacitance of bundled conductor. Mechanical design of overhead transmission line: Types of insulators, string efficiency, and method of improving string efficiency. Sag of overhead lines; Formation of corona, Ferranti effect Performance of transmission lines: Calculate voltage regulation, line loss and efficiency of short, medium and long transmission Underground cables: Types and construction; oil filled, gas insulated and XLPE cables; electrical characteristics - electrical stress, capacitance, charging current, insulation resistance, dielectric power factor and dielectric loss, proximity effect; grading of cables-Types of grading of cables; identification of fault location. HVDC transmission: Comparison of HVAC and HVDC transmission, HVDC transmission system components, economic distance for HVDC transmission line, monopolar and bipolar HVDC transmission, operation of HVDC transmission system. Substations: Substation equipment, bus bar arrangements, substation earthing, substation automation, GIS substation. Distribution systems: Primary and secondary distribution- radial, ring main, and interconnected system, distribution losses and feeder reconfiguration. Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) - introduction, shunt compensation (SVC, STATCOM), series compensation (SSSC, TCSC, TCSR, TCPST), series-shunt compensation (UPFC).
C. Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are
a. To study transmission line parameters modelling
b. To analyze the performance of transmission lines and distribution systems
c. To impart knowledge on mechanical design of overhead lines and underground cable design
d. To provide knowledge on substation design and automation.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Discuss the modeling of transmission line parameters |
CO2 |
Analyze the performance of transmission lines and distribution systems |
CO3 |
Explain basic concepts of overhead line and underground cable design aspect, HVDC transmission system, FACTS devices |
CO4 |
Design electrical substation for a given set of requirements and constraints, codes |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Discuss the modeling of transmission line parameters |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Analyze the performance of transmission lines and distribution systems |
b |
Cognitive/ Analyze |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Explain basic concepts of overhead line and underground cable design aspect, HVDC transmission system, FACTS devices |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Quiz, Exam |
CO4 |
Design electrical substation for a given set of requirements, constraints |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Project |
EEE 435 Renewable Energy Systems
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 435 |
Course Title: |
Renewable Energy Systems |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive grounding in renewable energy sources and allied conversion systems. It will discuss current trends and future prospects for fossil fuel and renewable energy supplies for electricity generation. The various energy generation technologies covered include those harnessing Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydropower, Hydrogen energy, Biomass energy and Geothermal energy. The basic properties, application, operating principles and conversion of these energy sources are studied and comparisons are made for their prospects, advantages and limitations. Economic and environmental assessments are made for these energy conversion technologies. Financial models, legislative framework, market and industry trends are explored within the course. Available renewable energy software is utilized for the decision-making process and to design residential and/or commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
C. Course Objective:
The objectives of the course are to
a. Discuss the various forms of conventional energy resources and describe the physical laws and resources that constrain our energy systems.
b. Describe the present energy scenario and the need for energy conservation
c. Define the operation of renewable energy systems in terms of basic electrical and physical principles.
d. Provide the knowledge, skills and elements of analysis and judgment necessary to select the most appropriate systems from an energetic standpoint for different types of applications.
e. Give review on utilization trends of renewable sources of energy.
f. Provide review on legislative and regulatory rules related to utilization of renewable sources of energy
g. Analyze the social and environmental aspects of renewable energy resources.
h. Conduct life-cycle assessment of discussed energy sources
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Interpret prospects, advantages and limitations of different renewable sources of energy. |
CO2 |
Analyze performance and potential of various renewable sources of energy |
CO3 |
Assess the life-cycle and environmental impact of various energy conversion technologies |
CO4 |
Design renewable energy source for a given set of conditions, constraints and requirements |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Interpret prospects, advantages and limitations of different renewable sources of energy. |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Analyze performance and potential of various renewable sources of energy |
b |
Cognitive/ Analyze |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Assess the life-cycle and environmental impact of various energy conversion technologies |
g |
Cognitive/ Evaluate |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Case-study |
CO4 |
Design renewable energy source for a given set of conditions, constraints and requirements |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment |
EEE 437 Energy Conversion II
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 437 |
Course Title: |
Energy Conversion II |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 221 Energy Conversion I EEE 221L Energy Conversion Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Basic principles of energy conversion: electromagnetic, electrostatic, thermoelectric, electrochemical, and electromechanical. Acyclic machines: generators, conduction pump and induction pump. Nonconventional energy conversion: solar-photovoltaic, solar-thermal, wind, geothermal, wave and tidal energy, MHD (Magneto Hydrodynamic) systems. Motors and drives: series universal motor, permanent magnet DC motor, brushless DC motor (BLDC), stepper motor, reluctance motor, switched reluctance motor, hysteresis motor, repulsion motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor, linear induction motor, electro static motor. Three phase induction motor design: stator frames and teeth, stator core and winding, shape, number and area of stator slot, length of air gap, rotor windings, number of rotor slots, area of rotor bars, and choice of ampere conductors per meter
C. Course Objective:
The objectives of this course are to
a. introduce basic principles of energy conversion
b. enable students to understand basic concepts of different acyclic machines
c. provide concepts of nonconventional energy sources and conversions
d. provide basic concepts of various types of motors, their operation, control and application
e. introduce concepts of electrical and mechanical design of energy conversion machineries.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Explain basic principles of energy conversion |
CO2 |
Analyze different types of energy conversion machines and nonconventional energy sources. |
CO3 |
Design three phase induction motor considering electrical and mechanical principles. |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Explain basic principles of energy conversion |
a |
Cognitive/ Understand |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Exam |
CO2 |
Analyze different types of energy conversion machines and nonconventional energy sources. |
b |
Cognitive/ Analyze |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Design three phase induction motor considering electrical and mechanical principles. |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
EEE 439 Smart Grid
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE439 |
Course Title: |
Smart Grid |
Credit Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours (Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
EEE 321 Power System I EEE 321L Power System I Laboratory |
Co-requisites: |
N/A |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
Smart grids bring together a variety of electrical energy sources and use methods of production, distribution and smart metering in order to minimize energy demand, share resources and optimize efficiency. The course discusses the development towards the future’s renewable electric energy system, and the concept known as Smart Grid. The starting point is the understanding of how design, operation and control of power systems traditionally have been considered. Integration of distributed and intermittent renewable energy requires a new paradigm, and the course gives a basis to understand and contribute to this development. Power systems, power electronics and renewable energy merge, for example in micro grids. In addition, the course discusses the interaction between the power grid and flexible resources such as storage systems, and smart meters. Energy policy modeling and analysis, such as policies on GHG emissions reductions and incentives to green energy investments, will be integrated into the course as well.
C. Course Objective:
The objectives of the course are to
a. Provide the students a systems perspective of modern electricity markets and a systems approach to address various issues faced by the electricity sector
b. Provide students with a working knowledge of fundamentals, design, analysis, and development of Smart Grid
c. Present the student a vision of how Smart Grid will transform the current electricity grid to a reliable and sustainable modern energy system
d. Explore power flow analysis and optimization schemes needed for the generation, transmission, distribution, demand response, and reconfiguration
e. Introduce the concepts of various components of Smart Grid, and their impacts on the energy industry, including renewables integration, PHEV penetration, demand side management, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.
D. Course Outcomes (COs):
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Sl. |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Design basic Smart Grid electric power systems for a given set of requirements and constraints |
CO2 |
Analyze energy management issues in smart grid to calculate LCOE and evaluate the economy in renewable power projects |
CO3 |
Demonstrate the role of Power electronics and energy storage and PHEV in smart grid |
CO4 |
Use appropriate simulation tools for power flow analysis, optimization and state estimation |
E. Mapping of CO-PO-Taxonomy Domain & Level- Delivery-Assessment Tool:
Sl. |
CO Description |
POs |
Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level |
Delivery methods and activities |
Assessment tools |
CO1 |
Design basic Smart Grid electric power systems including micro grid for a given set of requirements and constraints |
c |
Cognitive/ Create |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO2 |
Analyze energy management issues in smart grid to calculate LCOE and evaluate the economy in renewable power projects |
b |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment, Exam |
CO3 |
Demonstrate the role of Power electronics and energy storage and PHEV in smart grid |
a |
Cognitive/ Apply |
Lectures, notes |
Quiz, Assignment, Exam |
CO4 |
Use appropriate simulation tools for power flow analysis, optimization and state estimation |
e |
Cognitive/ Apply Psychomotor/ Precision |
Lectures, notes |
Assignment |
EEE 492 Special topic in Power
A. Course General Information:
Course Code: |
EEE 492 |
Course Title: |
Special topic in Power |
Credit Hours(Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Contact Hours(Theory + Laboratory): |
3 + 0 |
Category: |
Program Elective |
Type: |
Optional, Engineering, Lecture |
Prerequisites: |
Set by Department/Instructor |
Co-requisites: |
None |
B. Course Catalog Description (Content):
This course will explore an area of current interest in Power area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The emphasis will be on thorough study of a contemporary topics in Power area within EEE, and the course will be made accessible to students with an intermediate, undergraduate EEE background. The syllabus should be approved by the department chair prior to commencement of the term, and a detailed description will be provided before the registration period.