Course Structure of Undergraduate Biotechnology Programme
A 4-year (12 semesters) biotechnology undergraduate programme has been designed including topics of recent trends in this new and emerging field with emphasis on applications of biotechnology in different areas of socio-economic activities. Once a student has completed this course he/she should be well equipped to fulfill the requirement for jobs in public sectors and private enterprises involved in different biotechnology efforts and to face the challenges of new developments in this field. The programme of study includes courses for improving communication skills, strengthening mathematical background and acquainting the student with socio-economic and historical background of Bangladesh. With this basic background the student should face no problem to find a suitable job in different universities, research and development organizations and private enterprises.
The total credit requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology are 136. Out of these 21 credits is on general education, which is compulsory as per requirement of the BRAC University. The departmental core courses account for 76 credits including departmental core courses (63 credits) practicals (6 credits) , Biotechnology internship (3 credits) and thesis /project (4 credits). In addition a student has to undertake 12 credits on elective courses and 27 credits from outside the major specialization. For elective and outside major courses a student can choose from several courses outlined in the syllabus in consultation with the department. The student may also be required to take non-credit remedial course in English.
IV. Courses for Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
a. General Education: (21credits)
1. BIO 101 Introduction to Biology
2. CSE 101 Introduction to Computer Science
3. DEV 101 Bangladesh Studies
4. ENG 091 Foundation Course (non-credit)
5. ENG 101 English Fundamentals
6. ENG 102 Composition I
7. HUM 103 Ethics and Culture
8. MAT 101 Fundamentals of Mathematics
b. Departmental Core Courses: (63 credits)
1. BCH 101 Basic Biochemistry
2. BCH 102 Biophysical Chemistry
3. BCH 201 Human Physiology
4. BCH 202 Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics
5. BTE 101 Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
6. BTE 102 Microbial World
7. BTE 103 Plants and People
8. BTE 201 Bioorganic Chemistry
9. BTE 202 Metabolism
10. BTE 203 Introduction to Molecular Biology
11. BTE 204 Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering
12. BTE 302 Microbial Biotechnology
13. BTE 303 Basic Immunology
14. BTE 304 Environmental Biotechnology
15. BTE 306 Industrial Biotechnology
16. BTE 307 Advanced Molecular Biology
17. BTE308 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic engineering
18. BTE 401 Bioinformatics
19. BTE 402 GMOs and Biosafety
20. BTE403 DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Diagnostics
21. BTE404 Bioprocess Technology
c. Elective Courses (12 Credits)
1. BTE 309 Food Biotechnology
2. BTE 310 Medical Biotechnology
3. BTE311 Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology
4. BTE 312 Computer Applications in Biotechnology
5. BTE313 Biomass and Biofuels
6. BTE 314 Livestock and Fishery Biotechnology
7. BTE 315 Bioremediationn and Biodeterioration
8. BTE 405 Advanced Immunology
9. BTE 406 Genomics and Proteomics
10. BTE 407 Waste Biotechnology
11. BTE 408 Advanced Agricultural Biotechnology
12. BTE 409 Advanced Bioinformatics
13. BTE 410 Human Genome Project
14. BTE 411 Virology and Oncology
15. BTE 412 IPR and Biotechnology
16. BTE 413 Bioethics
17. BTE 414 Global Impact of Biotechnology
18. BTE 415 Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology
19. BTE 416 Biochemical Engineering Principles
20. BTE 417 Enzyme Biotechnology
d. Lab: (6 credits)
BTE 105 Biotech Labs I
BTE 205 Biotech Lab II
BTE 208 Biotech Lab III
BTE 305 Biotech Lab IV
e. Biotechnology Internship ( (3 Credits)
BTE 400 Industrial Attachments
f. Thesis/Project (4 Credits)
BTE 450 Biotech Project
g. Courses Outside Major Specialization (27 Credits)
1. ANT 101 Introduction to Anthropology
2. ARC 292 Painting
3. ARC 293 Music Appreciation
4. BTE 316 Social Impact of Biotechnology
5. BTE 317 Biostatistics
6. BUS 101 Introduction to Business
7. CHE 101 Introduction to Chemistry
8. CSE 110 Programming Language
9. ENV 103 Elements of Environmental Sciences
10. ECO 10 Principles of Economics
11. HUM 101 World Civilizations and Culture
12. HUM 102 Introduction to Philosophy
13. HUM 111 History of Science
14. MGT 211 Principles of Management
15. PHY 101 Introduction to Physics
16. POL 103 Introduction to Political Science
17. PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
18. SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
19. SOC 401 Gender and Development
20. STA 201 Elements of Statistics and Probability
V. Semester wise Distribution of Courses for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
1st Year
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
First BI0 101 Introduction to Biology 3
BCH 101 Basic Biochemistry 3
BTE 101 Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 3
DEV 101 Bangladesh Studies 3
ENG 101 English Fundamentals 3
BTE 105 Biotech Lab I 1.5
Sub Total 16.5 Credits
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Second CSE 101 Introduction to Computer Science 3
ENG 102 Composition I 3
MAT101 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3
BTE 102 Microbial World 3
BTE 103 Plants and People 3
HUM 103 Ethics and Culture 3
Sub Total 18 Credits
Total Credits in 1st Year = 16.5+18= 34.5
2nd Year
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Third BCH 102 Biophysical Chemistry 3
BCH 201 Human Physiology 3
BCH 202 Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics 3
Elective Course (c ) 3
Elective Course outside major(g) 3
BTE 205 Biotech Lab1I 1.5
Sub Total 16.5 Credits
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Fourth BTE 201 Bioorganic Chemistry 3
BTE 202 Metabolism 3
BTE203 Introduction to Molecular Biology 3
Elective Courses outside major (g) 6
BTE 208 Biotech Lab III 1.5
Sub Total 16.5 Credits
Total Credits in the 2nd year= 16.5+16.5=33
3rd Year
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Fifth BTE 204 Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering 3
BTE 302 Microbial Biotechnology 3
BTE 303 Basic Immunology 3
BTE 304 Environmental Biotechnology 3
Elective Courses outside major (g) 3
BTE 305 Biotech Lab III 1.5
Sub Total 16.5 Credits
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Sixth BTE 306 Industrial Biotechnology 3
BTE 307 Advanced Molecular Biology 3
BTE 308 Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering 3
Elective Course (c ) 3
Elective Courses outside major(g) 6
Sub Total 18 Credits
Total Credits in Third Year= 16.5+18=34.5
4th Year
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Seventh BTE 401 Bioinformatics 3
BTE402 GMOs and Biosafety 3
Elective Courses ( c) 3
Elective Courses ( c) 6
BTE 450 Biotech Project/Thesis 2
Sub Total 17 Credits
Semester Course No. Course Name Credits
Eighth BTE 403 DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Diagnostics 3
BTE 404 Bioprocess Technology 3
Elective Course (c) 3
BTE 400 Industrial Attachment 3
Elective Course outside major(g) 3
BTE 450 Biotech Project/Thesis 2
Sub Total 17 Credits
Total Credits in 4th Year 17+17= 34
Total Credits in eight semesters/four years
1st Year= 34.5
2nd Year= 33.0
3rd year= 34.5
4th Year= 34.0
Total = 136
VI. Academic System & Evaluation Method
a. Academic Standards
In keeping with the mission and goals in mind, the Undergraduate programme in Biotechnology will strive to ensure high academic standards by implementing well-designed curricula, carefully selecting high quality students and faculty, utilizing modern and effective instructional methods and aides, and by continuously monitoring and rigorously evaluating all the pertinent activities and systems. A special feature of teaching will be the tutorial/ lab/ workshop sessions designed to assist students in learning application of the concepts and theories.
b. Courses and Credit Requirements
The Bachelor of Science programme in Biotechnology will follow the model of higher education consisting of semesters, courses, credit hours, continuous evaluation and letter grading as in all other courses of BRAC University. There are two regular semesters: Fall and Spring, each with a duration of 14 weeks and a Summer semester of 9 weeks. The undergraduate curriculum consists of general education courses, major courses, elective courses and non-major area courses.
Credit hours for a course are assigned on the basis of a 14 – week semester. One (1) credit hour means that the course meets for 60 minutes in a class each week; 3 credits mean that it will meet three times every week.
c. Examination, Evaluation and Grading
The grading process will undoubtedly be transparent. The performance of the students is evaluated throughout the semester through class tests, quizzes, assignments, and midterm exams. End of semester evaluation includes final examinations, term papers, project reports etc. Numerical scores earned by a student in tests, examinations, assignments etc. are cumulated and converted to letter grades.
d. Distribution of Marks & GPA Computation
The distribution of marks for the performance evaluation is as follows:
i. Theory Courses
Section Marks %
1. Quizzes/ Class Tests/ Assignments/ Participation/ Attendance 30
2. Mid Term Examination 20
3. Final Examination (comprehensive), Projects 50
Total Marks 100
ii. Lab Courses
Section Marks %
1. Reports/ Class Tests/ Participation / Viva-Voce 30
2. Lab Experiments 30
3. Final Examination 40
Total Marks 100
iii. Thesis / Project
Thesis / Project work will be spread over two semesters (7th & 8th). The mark distribution for the Thesis / Project will be as follows:
Section Marks%
1. Viva-Voce (End of the 7th semester) 15
2. Thesis / Project Work 45
3. Defence (End of 8th semester) 40
Total Marks 100
Class attendance is compulsory for every student. 5% of total marks in every course is allocated for attendance in classes including tutorials and labs. The basis for awarding marks for attendance is as follows:
Attendance Marks
90% and above 5
85% to less than 90% 4
80% to less than 85% 3
75% to less than 80% 2
70% to less than 75% 1
Less than 70% 0
If a student does not attend a minimum of 70% of the total classes including tutorials and labs, s/he will not be allowed to take the final exam.
Marks earned by the students in Class Tests, Quizzes, Assignments, Participation, Attendance, Midterm Exam , Final Exam, Projects, Term Papers etc are to be cumulated and the total is to be graded as per the scale given below:
Letter Grade GP
90 - 100 = A (4.0) Excellent
85 - < 90 = A- (3.7)
80 - < 85 = B+ (3.3)
75 - < 80 = B (3.0) Good
70 - < 75 = B- (2.7)
65 - < 70 = C+ (2.3)
60 - < 65 = C (2.0) Fair
57 - < 60 = C- (1.7)
55 - < 57 = D+ (1.3)
52 - < 55 = D (1.0) Poor
50 - < 52 = D- (0.7)
<50 = F (0.0) Failure
P: Pass
I: Incomplete
W: Withdrawal
R: Retaken
GPA Computation
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed in the following manner:
GPA = Sum of (Grade points x Credits)/ Sum of Credits Attempted.