In recent research studies, the preoccupation with logo-centricism in the post-structuralist approach to language has been empirically challenged. The post-humanist approach critiques the overt and covert fetishisation of language and suggests space, multisensory and multi-modal resources, spatial arrangements that include both human participants and nonhuman entities, such as objects, bodies, actions, activities, technologies, and larger societal and ecological systems indispensable for exploring meaning-making processes.
With the change in the ontology and epistemology of language, education has been expected to undergo a notable metamorphosis in recent years too. A significant change in educational philosophy encourages the use of the mother tongue and other linguistic and semiotic resources available in the linguistic ecology and the collaboration of students with teachers and community members for language learning and teaching. Language education, thus, challenges linguicism and linguistic imperialism that promote specific official or national languages, while marginalising minority languages and disempowering communities based on their languages, religion, nationality, ethnicities, races, or sexual orientation. The metamorphosis of language education is also tied up with the advancements in technology that encourage the use of the Internet, gadgets, devices and various pieces of software for language teaching and education research.
Considering the pervasiveness of logo-centrism and anthropocentrism in language education, BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University invites papers to configure and contest the hegemonic definition and status of languages in various domains of life and their interrelationships with language education. The international conference entitled Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), scheduled for 28-30th November 2024, will hence offer a platform where a new understanding of languages and innovative pedagogies will be explored. Bringing together language practitioners and professionals from diverse backgrounds, the conference will create opportunities to learn about innovative practices, techniques, methods, and activities for language teaching and learning.
In addition, the international LMLEDC will bring scholars, researchers, language practitioners and post-graduate students together to enhance their networking and professional development and foster a sense of community among themselves. Further, this platform will encourage language practitioners to present their diverse socio-cultural pedagogical approaches and methods of utilising digital literacy for intercultural communication in language education. The conference will also be interdisciplinary and showcase papers, panels, and posters on languages and their roles in society with reference to sociology, history, political science, anthropology, education, culture and media studies, critical geography, and linguistics and literature. We expect scholars, researchers and professionals to advance and interchange ideas about critical language awareness for social justice, equality and decoloniality in/as praxis.
The possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Ontology and epistemology of language
• Epistemology and ontology in language teaching and learning
• Linguistic imperialism
• Social justice, decoloniality, and Southern epistemologies
• Language as a local practice
• Trans-movement and language education
• Translingual accentism, racism
• Language and sense of (dis)placement – migrants, refugees, ethnic minorities
• Language in the workplace, court, hospital, media
• Medium of instruction
• Innovation in language education
• Language Acquisition and Learning (L2, L3, L4, Lx)
• Language policy and planning
• Language and language education for Sustainable Development
• Linguistic landscape and multimodality
• Language, language teaching, and technology
• AI, digital spaces, language education
• Sociolinguistics (e.g., Language & socioeconomic class, gender, style, varieties, identity etc.)
• Comparative linguistics
• Language and media
• Language and mobility
• Language and translation
• Literature and New Englishes
• Postcolonial writing in English
The language of the conference is English.
Paper presentations (General and Post-graduate sessions):
Paper presentations will be allocated 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Poster presentations will be allocated their time slot during the conference.
Convenors are requested to separately (1) collect 4 abstracts, (2) find a discussant, (3) write an abstract for the colloquium, and (4) submit the full document with 4 abstracts.
Colloquiums will be allocated 50 minutes, plus 10 minutes for Q & A at the end of the colloquiums.
Abstracts for general papers, posters and colloquiums of max. 250 words in MS Word including references should be uploaded by 15th July, 2024.
Abstract Submission:
To submit, Click Here and fill out the form.
Abstracts for general papers, posters and colloquiums must be of max. 250 words in MS Word (excluding references).
New Extended Submission Date: On request from several national and international prospective participants, the submission date has been extended till 15th July 2024.
The outcome of the abstract submission notification: 16th August 2024
Early bird registration: 20th August 2024 and end on 14th September 2024
Regular registration will start on 15th September 2024 and will be closed on 15th October 2024
Registration fees: