This unique course is designed for those students who are seeking to perfect and polish their English language skills to become successful Brac University students. This course is for those students who proved themselves competent in their respective discipline during the admission test except in English.
This twelve weeks long intensive programme which encourages holistic approach based on critical thinking and inquiry is designed by an American fellow Beth Trudell. The goal of this course is to assist the students to become active and independent learners, critical thinkers, responsible and thoughtful adults and most importantly successful university students. Reading and writing classes in this course provide opportunities to read, annotate and talk about a variety of texts. It introduces writing as a systematic and creative task. Listening and speaking classes prepare students for real-world speaking situations such as solving problems, exchanging information and describing their experiences. Critical thinking and enhancement classes add a new creative element. These multi skilled classes based on specific interest provide exposure and help the students to reason, converse and build analytical skills. The students who come from mainstream Bangla medium background enjoy this intellectually challenging and welcoming atmosphere.