I was one of the lucky students not because I was weak in English but because I became a pre-university student of Brac University. At first, disappointment eclipsed my life when I was not selected as a university student. Later my disappointment turned into my strength when I started to discover my lacking. What a wonderful time my pre-university journey had been! I never felt that someone was teaching me, rather I was being taught by myself because earlier I never got such friendly and cooperative teachers in my life. It was really wonderful being in the pre-university program as it significantly uplifted my confidence level and made me organized.
English 101, the course has not only helped me to strengthen my base of English, but also made me a confident student who can now present herself with no fear in any sort of challenges. This course has introduced us with a new technique of learning English for which English classes are no longer boring and monotonous for us instead it became very interesting and enthusiastic. The course has taught us giving group presentations, solo presentation, debating and a lot more. This course has brought out and reshaped the qualities we had in us but were unaware of, and as a result, i am sure that me along with many of my classmates have succeeded to overcome with most of our problems that we had in English.
Being a student of Eng 102 course, I have been enhanced of my academic reading and writing skills. The combination of the separate reading and writing lessons clearly covers all the necessary aspects of future academic endeavors, strengthening my communication base in other subject areas. For example, in our reading classes, we have been taught about how to analyze and respond to works of other writers through analyzing different perspectives along with the logical, ethical and emotional appeals that the writer has projected. On the other hand, the writing class has distinctively developed our summarizing and paraphrasing skills along with proper referencing. For me personally, the writing lesson on effective academic writing with proper structure was most beneficial. All in all, the cooperation of our beloved teachers increases the bar of education. I am really looking forward to what I would be achieving at the end of this course.
Little did I know about the vastness of English language which I perused in Eng 102 course. Academic writing can be so challenging was indeed unknown to me. Even though I am from an English medium background, eng 102 opened my eyes to critical thinking and standard formal English. I realized that English language is not limited to reading, speaking and grammar. I highly appreciate how English 102 course broke through the monotony of writing and encouraged me to explore different genres of English language.