EEE 510: Signals, Systems and Stochastic Process (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Generic Description of Transmission Systems; Classifications of Signals; Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series, Power Theorem, Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Transform, Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Reconstruction of a Bandlimited Signal from Its Samples, Correlation Functions; Signal Transmission Through LTI Systems; Random Variables, Stochastic Processes, and Noise: pdf and cdf, Transformations of Random Variables, Statistical Averages, Real and Complex Random Vectors, Probability Models, Random Processes, Stationary and Ergodic Processes, Gaussian Processes, Spectral Characteristics of Random Signals, Random Signals and LTI Systems, Estimation of Power Spectrum, Noise Processes, Noise-Equivalent Bandwidth, Baseband Communication Model with Additive Noise: Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Noise Figure and Noise Temperature, Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel; Digital Communication Basics: Matched Filters, Signal Characterization, Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel. Coherent Detection of Binary Signals in AWGN Channel, Error Probabilities for Binary Signalling, Optimum Digital Receivers; Markov Processes: Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations, Classification of States, Limiting Probabilities, Discrete time, Discrete State Markov Processes.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, “Fundamentals of Communication Systems”, 2nd Edition, 2014.
• Hamid Oppenheim Willsky, Alan V. Oppenheim, Oppenheim Et Al, Alan S. Willsky, Syed Hamid Nawab, “Signals And System”, 2nd Edition, 2015.
• Hwei P. Hsu “Schaum’s Outline of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Process”, 4th Edition, 2019.
EEE 511: Cellular Mobile Communication (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Propagation in mobile radio channels: channel models, fading - large scale and small scale fading, flat fading and frequency selective fading channel, fast fading and slow fading channel; delay spread, Doppler spread and angle spread; channel autocorrelation functions, scattering function, correlated and uncorrelated scattering (US), WSS and WSSUS model. Multiple access techniques: FDMA, TDMA and Spread Spectrum Communications; DS-CDMA and FH-CDMA: modulator and demodulator structure, probability of error, jamming margin, decoding, performance in the presence of interference, PN sequence, CDMA. Multi-user detection: multiple access interference, detector performance measures - BER, asymptotic efficiency, near-far resistance; detectors - matched filter detector, de-correlator detector, MMSE detector, SIC, PIC, MAP and MLSE detectors. Diversity and combining techniques: Multiple antenna systems - SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO systems, STBC, OSTBC, QOSTBC, spatial multiplexing (SM) schemes. Interference and management and mobility management in wireless communications, security in wireless communication systems. Multi-carrier communications: OFDM - oscillator based and FFT implementation; special issues of OFDM - cyclic prefix, timing offset, frequency offset, synchronization, peak power problem; OFDMA, MC-CDMA, WiMAX. Selected transactions and industry standards.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• William Stallings, “Wireless communication & Networks”, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2013.
• Carlos Granger [Editor], “Wireless Communication and Networks”, Recent Advances, 2016.
• Aditya K Jagannatham, “Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems Theory and Practice”, McGraw Hill, 2015.
• Krzysztof Wesolowski, “Mobile Communication Systems”, John Wiley, 2012.
• Djordjevic, Ivan B, “Advanced Optical and Wireless Communication Systems”, 2018.
• Ganesan, “Modern Wireless Communication”, 2013
• White, “Fundamentals of Networking and Data Communications”, Cengage, 2012.
• Oscar Perpinan Lamigueiro, “Displaying Time Series Spatial And Space-Time Data With R”, 2nd Edition, 2018.
• Jing Selena He and Shouling Ji and Yi Pan and Yingshu Li, “Wireless Ad Hoc And Sensor Networks: Management, Performance, And Applications”, 2013.
• Emad Hassan, “CRC Multi-Carrier Communication Systems With Examples In Matlab®: A New Perspective”, T and F, 2015.
• Olenewa J L, “Guide To Wireless Communications”, 3rd Edition, Cengage, 2012
EEE 512: Telecommunication Transmission Technologies (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to telecommunication transmission technologies; Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) principles, systems and transport technology; Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) principles, systems & transport technology; Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) principles, systems & transport technology; SONET principles, systems & transport technology, ATM principles, systems & transport technology. Switching Systems, Architecture & System overview of Digital Switching, Overview of packet and circuit switching, Packet transmission on LAN & WAN, Packet switching in broadband networks, ATM switching, IP switching, Overview of SS-7 signaling systems, Signaling networks. Introduction to access network transport technologies; PONS, DSL, HFC last mile solutions. Introduction to Satellite transmission networks, Space environment, Link analysis, Satellite Access, Earth stations, Satellite services
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Strobel, “Optical and Microwave Technologies for Telecommunication Networks”, Wiley, 2016.
• H Ganapathy Hebbar, “Optical Fiber Communication”, 1st Edition, Cengage, 2017.
• Walrand Jean and Varaiya Pravin, “High Performance Communication Networks”, 2nd Edition, 2014.
• BLACK and U, “Optical Networks Third Generation Transport Systems”, Pearson, 2013.
• Mcdysan, “ATM THEORY AND APPLICATION”, McGraw Hill, 2013
EEE 513: Communication Services Networks (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
SONET Transport Networks: Rationale for High Speed Networking - Evolution of Optical Networks - SONET Technology - SONET Transport Network Architectures - Survivability in SONET Systems- Automatic Protection Switching (APS) - Restoration Techniques - Self Healing Rings - IP-over -SONET. ATM Transport Networks: ATM Technology - Protocol Reference Model - Network Traffic Management - Protection and Restoration Techniques - IP-over- ATM-over-SONET. WDM Networks and Wavelength Routing: Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Technology - Wavelength Cross-Connects -Wavelength Routing Networks- Routing and Wavelength Assignment - Distributed Control Protocols - Wavelength Rerouting. WDM Ring and Wavelength-Convertible Networks: WDM Ring Networks - Wavelength Convertible Networks - Routing Algorithms - Converter Placement. WDM Optical Layer Design: Terabit Transport Networks - Layered Architecture - Design of Optical Layer - Virtual Topology -Problem Formulation-Design Heuristics- Multi-Fiber Networks. WDM Network Survivability and Optical Packet Switching: Network Survivability - Protection and Restoration Techniques - Optical Layer with Fault-tolerance Capability - Optical Packet Switching - IP-over-WDM. Advances in WDM technologies: Introduction to DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology and its features, Next generation optical networks.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Strobel, “Optical and Microwave Technologies for Telecommunication Networks”, Wiley, 2016.
• H Ganapathy Hebbar, “Optical Fiber Communication”, 1st Edition, Cengage, 2017.
• Walrand Jean and Varaiya Pravin, “High Performance Communication Networks”, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, 2014.
• BLACK and U, “Optical Networks Third Generation Transport Systems”, Pearson, 2013.
• Mcdysan, “ATM THEORY AND APPLICATION”, McGraw Hill, 2013.
EEE 514: Optical Communication System (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to optical communications: Motivation for using optical methods in data transmission. Brief history of optical communications, Generic optical communication system. Key components and their functions; Propagation of light in fibres: Principles of optical waveguiding. Fibre modes and their properties. Single mode, multimode fibres. Recently developed fibre types; Signal attenuation: Optical losses: intrinsic loss mechanisms; extrinsic loss (bending, splicing, coupling). Dispersion: modal dispersion, waveguide dispersion, dispersion shifting; Optical Systems: Optical transmission formats: return-to-zero, non-return-to-zero encoding, Binary transmission: statistics, noise and errors, Propagation of optical pulses in dispersive media. Loss limited systems and dispersion limited system. Optoelectronic components: Optical Detectors.: Detectors of optical signals: principle of operation; responsivity; bandwidth; noise. Photodiodes, materials and structures: heterostructures; p-n detectors; avalanche detectors; common types of photodiodes. Optical Sources: Laser: emission and amplification of light; optical gain; principle of laser; laser modes; rate equations. Laser diodes: photons in semiconductors; generic structure of laser diode; double heterostructure; performance characteristics of laser diodes; rate equations; common types of laser diodes; Optical amplifiers amplified systems: Design and principles of optical fibre amplifiers. Main characteristics: power, gain, noise. Saturation effects. Noise accumulation in long-span systems. Implications for long distance (trans-oceanic) data transmission; Nonlinear effects: Effective length of nonlinear interaction. Main effects: Self-phase modulation; Raman scattering; Brillouin scattering; four-wave mixing. Optical solitons; Advanced optical systems: Wavelength multiplexing and time-division multiplexing of optical signals. Ultrahigh-capacity optical data transmission; review of terabit-per-second systems. Detrimental effects of nonlinearities and dispersion on system performance. Useful effects: dispersion management; optical solitons. Current performance limits.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• SENIOR, “Optical Fiber Communications Principles”, 3rd Edition, PEARSON, 2014.
• Abdul Al-Azzawi, “Advanced Manufacturing for Optical Fibers And Integrated Photonic Devices”, Taylor & Francis, 2015.
• Hui Rongqing, “Introduction to Fiber-Optic Communications”, 1st Edition, Acad Pr, 2019.
• Vivekanand Mishra and Sunita P Ugale, “Fiber-Optic Communication: Systems and Components”, John Wiley, 2012.
• YASIN M, “Advances In Optical Fiber Technology Fundamental Optical Phenomena and Applications”, 7th Edition, INTECH, 2017.
EEE 515: Wireless Sensor Networks (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Applications and Design Model: Examples of available sensor nodes, Sample sensor networks applications, Design challenges, Contemporary network architectures, Operational and computational models, Performance metrics, Software and hardware setups. Network Bootstrapping: Sensor deployment mechanisms, Issues of coverage, Node discovery protocols, Localization schemes, Sensor data acquisition, processing and handling, Network clustering, Query models, In-network data aggregation. Communication architecture and protocols for WSN (MAC, Link, Routing): Radio energy consumption model, Energy management, Optimization mechanisms, Robust route setup, Coping with energy constraints, security threats to ad hoc networks, scheduling, media access control, routing protocols. Dependability Issues: Security challenges, Threat and attack models, Quality of service provisioning, Clock synchronization, Supporting fault tolerant operation. Application case studies: health, environmental monitoring, smart home etc.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• C. Siva Ram Murthy and B.S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Prentice Hall.
• Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks, H. Karl and A. Willig, Wiley Publishers, 2005.
EEE 516: Satellite Communications (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Orbital aspects of satellite communication and spacecraft subsystems: orbital mechanics, look angle determination, orbital effects in communications system performance, spacecraft subsystems. Satellite link design: basic transmission theory, down-link design, up-link design, noise power budget, link budget analysis. RF parameters: Critical RF parameters in terminal equipment and their effects on performance. Technical details of RF antennas, amplifiers and receivers. Modulation, coding and multiplexing techniques for satellite links: Analog telephone transmission and multiplexing, analog TV transmission SNR calculations, Digital transmission and reception, TDM, BER & SER calculations. Characteristics of satellites and satellite networks: GEO vs. non-GEO, area coverage vs. spot beam, bent pipe vs. processor-based, broadcast, interactive, star and mesh, high-throughput satellite (HTS) alternatives, Characteristics of IP traffic over satellite
Recommended Text and Reference:
• G. Maral, M. Bousquet, Z. Sun: Satellite Communication Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology, 5th edition, Wiley & Sons, ISBN 9780470714584, 2009.
EEE 517: Antennas and propagation (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Antenna basics: Far-field and circuit properties; Antenna parameters, Radiation from elementary dipoles and loops, Radiation integrals for current (wire) antennas, Radiation from apertures and equivalence theorem, Radar range equation and Friis transmission equation. Wave propagation: Fundamentals of electromagnetic wave propagation, and introduction of constraints in terms of frequency, polarization, environmental conditions, geometry such as ground reflection, refraction, ducting, multipath, diffraction, interference, atmospheric attenuation in various frequency bands used in communication and radar systems. Electromagnetic concepts: Maxwell equations, Radiation from sources, Huygens' and reciprocity principles; Utilization of electromagnetic concepts and nuermical methods for analysis and design of antennas; Hertzian and Fitzgerald dipoles, wire antennas, aperture antennas, printed antennas, ultra-wideband antennas, antenna arrays, leaky-wave antennas; Receiving antennas and noise, Antenna applications
Recommended Text and Reference:
• F. T. Ulaby and U. Ravaioli, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 7th Ed., Pearson, 2015.
• Antennas for All Applications – John D. Kraus and R. J. Marhefka, and Ahmad S. Khan TMH, New Delhi, 4th ed., (Special Indian Edition) 2010.
EEE 518: Neural Networks (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to artificial neural networks: Basic neuron models: McCulloch-Pitts model and the generalized one, distance or similarity-based neuron model, radial basis function model, etc. network architectures Basic neural network models: Perceptron learning rule, Linear Transformations for Neural Networks, multilayer perceptron, distance or similarity based neural networks, associative memory and self-organizing feature map, radial basis function based multilayer perceptron, neural network decision trees, Continuous and Discrete Hopfield networks
Basic learning algorithms: Principal-components analysis, the delta learning rule, Variations on back propagation, self-organization learning, the r4-rule, Supervised Hebbian learning, Widrow-Hoff learning, Competitive networks, Counter-propagation networks Applications: pattern recognition, function approximation, information visualization, Performance Optimization etc.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Neural Network Design (2nd Edition), Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale, Orlando De Jesus, ISBN-10: 0-9717321-1-6, ISBN-13: 978-0-9717321-1-7
EEE 520: Advanced Digital Communications (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Representation of bandpass signals and systems, modulation and demodulation for the additive white Gaussian noise channel, optimal demodulation for signals with random phase, noncoherent detection for binary and M-ary orthogonal signals, hard and soft decoding for linear codes, concatenated codes, performance of coded modulation systems, characterization of fading multi-path channels, diversity techniques, performance of coded systems on fading channels, direct performance of coded systems on fading channels, direct sequence and frequency hopped spread spectrum systems.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Richard L. West, Lynn H. Turner, “Introducing Communication Theory”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill 2018.
• K. N. Hari Bhat and D. Ganesh Rao, “INFORMATION THEORY AND CODING”, CENGAGE, 2018.
• Thyagarajan k, “ Introduction to digital signal Processing using Matlab with Appplication to Digital Communication”, Springer, 2019.
• Dr K N Hari Bhat and Dr D Ganesh Rao, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Cengage, 2017.
EEE 521: Digital Wireless Communications and Networks (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Analog and digital communications, Wireless spectrum, Multiplexing and access methods, Propagation; Unidirectional Broadcast Systems; Broadcast technologies for audio, video and data, Capabilities and limitations; Medium Access Control & Telecommunication Systems; Multiple radio access methods, Home and Mobile telephony systems, Capabilities and limitations; Wireless LAN, Aloha, IEEE 802.11 family, Bluetooth and others. Capabilities and limitations; Mobile Network Layer, Mobile ad hoc networks, routing protocols, quality of service and others, Capabilities and limitations; Transport Layers and Mobility Support; Transmission control protocols (TCP) for mobile systems. File store for mobile systems. Web, WAP and other mark up. Connection control systems.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Theodore S Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2010.
• Clint Smith, Daniel Collins,” Wireless Networks”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2014.
• Ifiok Otung, “Digital Communication”, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014.
• Sanjeev Kumar, “Publishers Wireless and Mobile Communication”, by 1st Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2012.
• Apurba Das, “Digital Communication”, Springer, 2012.
• Nishanth Nazimudeen, “Digital Communication”, 1st Edition, Cengage, 2019.
• Jace Murphy, “Digital Communication” ML Books International – IPS, 2017.
EEE 522: Telecommunications Business Environment (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Commercial dimensions of networks: financial impact; Network economics, commercial pressures; Corporate finance: company accounts including P&L Balance sheet, depreciation, cash flow, stock market etc; Market forces: marketing principles, market sectors, market and products/services forecasting; Competition: competitor analysis and models, telecommunications competition; competitive responses; Product and services management: product lifecycles, translation from requirements to product definition and launch; Customer satisfaction: QoS, service surround, customer service, service centres; Pricing and product profitability: cost-based pricing, interconnect pricing, regulatory implications; Management accounting: accounting; budgetary control; financial control; Operating cost drivers: analysis of R&D costs; dynamic and interactive nature of costs; Telco cost model; whole life costs; productivity; process analysis, QoS and failure costs; Capital cost drivers: network capital requirements; impact of network planning; effect of depreciation; capital budgeting; funding; effect of procurement; control of capital projects; Regulation: acts and licences; organisation, role and powers of regulators; price regulation; influence of European Union and WTO regulation; Investment Appraisal: justification of capital projects and methods of investment; sensitivity and risk analysis; cost/benefit; financial authorisation; Global awareness: the global market; the Triad; characteristics of multinational customers; the European Union; global competitive analysis; Information industry: value chain, competition, impact on Telcos.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Sibley, “Modern Telecommunications: Basic Principles and Practices”, CRC Press 2018.
• Walden Ian, “Telecommunications Law and Regulation”, Oxford UP, 2018.
EEE 523: Network and Services Management (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to role of network management, Configuration management, event management, testing, access and security, network planning, work management; network management standards, network management model, OSI and Internet management approaches, TMN; element management, and network control layer; service management, service management layer functions, service templates, generation of service definitions; future prospects for automation, role of AI, KBS, HCI, co-operating agents, Network Security: Introduction to Computer and Network Security; Cryptography; Firewalls; IPSEC; IP attacks.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• William Stallings, “SNMP SNMPV2 SNMPV3 And RMON 1 And 2”, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2013.
• Junaid Ahsenali Chaudhry, “Self-Healing Systems and Wireless Networks Management”, T and F CRC, 2013.
• Michael W Lucas, “SNMP MASTERY”, Tilted Windmill Press, 2020.
• William Stallings, ”Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, 7th Edition, Pearson, 2016.
EEE 524: Mobile Communication System Planning (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Purposes and procedures of network planning, Site survey and selection; Propagation analysis and coverage planning; Capacity planning; Radio frequency planning; Advanced planning aspects. Cell Planning: Traffic and coverage analysis, Nominal cell plan, surveys, System design, System implementation and tuning, System Growth, Re-use of frequencies in a cell, Hierarchical Cell Structure (HCS), Multi-band Cells. Telecommunication Subscriber Services, Mobile Intelligent Network, CVPN, CAMEL, Charging and Billing, Operations & Maintenance Systems, System architecture & Industrial implementations. (Pre req. EEE 511)
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Jukka Lempiäinen, Matti Manninen,, “Radio Interface System Planning for GSM/GPRS/UMTS”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2010.
• Kukushkin, “Mobile Network Engineering: GSM 3G-WCDMA LTE and the Road to 5G”, Wiley Introduction, 2018.
• Gavriel Salvendy, June Wei, “Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications”, 2020.
EEE 525: Communications Systems Modeling (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Time and Frequency Domain Modeling of signals, Transforming between the time and frequency domain, Techniques for Physical Layer Simulation, Performance Measurement in simulation, Physical Layer Simulation examples (Optical Communications, Radio Communications, Electrical Communications), The Theory of Network Simulation, Network Simulation Examples.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Em Griffin, Andrew M. Ledbetter, Glenn G. Sparks, “Communication Theory” 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2018.
• Sibley, “Modern Telecommunications: Basic Principles and Practices”, CRC Press 2018.
• Ifiok, “OtungCommunication Engineering Principles”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2019.
• Ulrich L. Rohde, Jerry C. Whitaker, Hans Zahnd, “Communications Receivers: Principles and Design”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill 2017.
• Dr K N Hari Bhat and Dr D Ganesh Rao, “Principles of Communication Systems”, 1st Edition, Cengage, 2017.
• Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson, “Schaum's Outline of Probability”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2011.
EEE 530: Broadband Networks (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Types of networks - circuit-switched, packet-switched, connection-oriented, connectionless, single-rate, multi-rate, Framing, time slots, headers; Evolution of networks - the telephone network, the Internet, local area networks, the move to broadband networks; Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The ATM protocols: physical layer, ATM layer, adaptation layer; Source models, statistical multiplexing, multiplexing gain; Admission control, Access control, Leaky Bucket algorithm, Available Bit Rate, Weighted Fair queuing; ATM switches, Banyan networks, Banyan network throughput, Deflection routing, Sort-banyan switches, Head-of-line blocking, Output-buffered switches, Large-scale switches; Discrete-time queuing theory, Kendall's notation, Probability generating functions - definition and properties, PGFs of some distributions; Arrival processes, Batch arrivals, The Geo[x]/D/1 queue, Numerical calculation of moments and probabilities, Little's Law; Queuing model of output-buffered switch, Queuing model of input-buffered switch, Throughput of input-buffered switches, Numerical calculation of loss probabilities. Signaling protocols, User-network interface, Network-network interface, Routing protocols, ATM local area networks.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Ian McLoughlin, “Computer Systems: An Embedded Approach”, 1st Edition, McGraw Hill, 2018.
EEE 531: Data Network Protocols (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction and OSI Layering System Transmission - media, signals, asynchronous and synchronous, compression, huffmann; Physical Layer Data link Layer - go back n and selective repeat; LANs - ethernet, token ring, polling Network Layer - routing and flow control; Transport and Higher Layers - TCP/IP Circuit Switching - Telephone network; Erlangs Equations - queueing theory; Integrated Services Digital Network, ISDN B-ISDN and ATM, standards, traffic Future Trends and Conclusions.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Kurose and Ross, Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2011.
• Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2011.
• Peterson and Davie, Computer Networks, 5th Edition Elsevier, 2011.
EEE 532: Network Security (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Overview of security, threats and mechanisms; Conventional encryption algorithms (DES, IDEA); Public Key cryptography, RSA, Key management, confidentiality authentication and digital signatures; Network-based threats: Intruders, Viruses and Worms; Hardware architectures required to implement algorithms; Firewalls.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Neha Saxena, “Practical Network Security”, 1st Edition, BPB Publications, 2018.
• MASYS, “Networks And Network Analysis For Defence And Security”, SPRINGER, 2014.
• Toby Velte and Anthony Velte, “Cisco A Beginner's Guide”, 5th Edition, 2014.
EEE 533: Wavelets and Applications (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction and Background: Why wavelets, subband coding and multiresolution analysis? Mathematical background, Hilbert spaces, Unitary operators, Review of Fourier theory, Continuous and discrete time signal processing; Time-frequency analysis, Multirate signal processing, Projections and approximations; Discrete-Time Bases and Filter Banks, Elementary filter banks, Analysis and design of filter banks, Spectral Factorization, Daubechies filters; Orthogonal and biorthogonal filter banks, Tree structured filter banks, Discrete wavelet transform, Multidimensional filter banks; Continuous-Time Bases and Wavelets; Iterated filter banks, The Haar and Sinc cases, The limit of iterated filter banks; Wavelets from Filters, Construction of compactly supported wavelet bases, Regularity, Approximation properties, Localization; The idea of multiresolution, Multiresolution analysis, Haar as a basis for L2(R), The continuous wavelet and short-time Fourier transform; Applications, Fundamentals of compression, Analysis and design of transform coding systems, Image Compression, the new compression standard (JPEG200) and the old standard, Why is the wavelet transform better than the discrete cosine transform? Video compression and the 3-D wavelet transform. Advanced topics: Beyond JPEG2000, non-linear approximation and compression.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Harry L Van Trees and Kristine L Bell and Zhi Tian, “Detection, Estimation, and Filtering Theory”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 2016.
• Morrison N, “Tracking Filter Engineering: The Gauss-Newton And Polynomial Filters”, IET, 2012.
EEE 534: Advanced Data Communication (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
The course covers Communications protocol Stacks, OSI and TCP/IP. 802.X based wired and wireless LANs. Access protocols, Slip, PPP and ADSL. Management protocols ICMP, BOOTP, DHCP, SNMP & Management Tools, as well as management of Cisco routers. Routing protocols and clients, the DNS and BIND, RIP-2, OSPF (IGP & BGP). Socket Programming. Traffic Capture & Analysis Labs.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Behrouz A. Forouzan and Firouz, “Computer Networks: A Top Down Approach”, 1st Edition, 2012.
• Mike Meyers, ”Managing and Troubleshooting Networks By 4th Edition, LearnSmart 2016.
• Prof. Satish Jain Shashi Singh, “Advanced Networks Networking Peripheral and Operating System Software & Tools H3 & H4)”, BPB Publications, 2017.
• Sumitabha Das, “Your UNIX/Linux: The Ultimate Guide” 3rd Edition, 2012.
• W Richard Stevens, “Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking Api”, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2015.
EEE 535: Information Theory, Coding, and Detection (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Review of probability, random variables, probability density functions/cumulative distribution functions, expected values, central limit theorem, random processes, stationarity, ergodicity, Autocorrelation, Power spectral density. Multiple random variables, Transmission through linear systems. Optimum Signal Detection: Geometrical representation of signals. Gaussian random noise, Optimum receiver, Non-white channel noise. Information Theory: Measure of information, Source encoding, Error-free communication over a noisy channel, Channel capacity of a discrete memoriless system, Channel capacity of a continuous channel. Error-Control Coding: Linear block codes. Cyclic codes, Burst-error detecting and correcting codes, Convolutional codes, Comparison of coded and uncoded systems.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• B P Lathi and Zhi Ding and Hari Mohan Gupta, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication”, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 2017.
• Leon W Couch, “Digital And Analog Communication Systems”, 8th Edition, Pearson, 2013.
EEE 542: Advanced Digital Signal Processing (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Signal Modeling: Pade & Prony Matching, Solution of Autocorrelation Normal Equations, Burg's Algorithm, Linear Prediction, Wiener and Kalman Filtering. Spectral Estimation: non-parametric (periodogram, Welsh and Blackman-Tukey modifications), parametric (AR, MA and ARMA). Two Dimensional Signal Processing: 2D z-transform, 2-D DFT and DCT, 2-D filters, image processing. Multirate Signal Processing: decimation & interpolation, polyphase filters, QMF filter banks Signal Coding: waveform coding, predictive coding, transform coding, MPEG1/2/4 audio and speech coding.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez, Manel Martinez-Ramon, Jordi Munoz-Mari, Gustau Camps-Valls, “Digital Signal Processing with Kernel Methods”, Wiley, 2017.
• D. Ganesh Rao and Vineeta P. Gejji, “Digital Signal Processing”, CENGAGE, 2018.
• A. Antoniou, “Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Signal Processing Applications”, 1st Edition, 2018.
• M. Charbit, G. Blanchet, “Digital Signal and Image Processing using MATLAB, Volume 2: Advances and Applications: The Deterministic Case”, 2nd Edition, 2015.
• Andreas Antoniou, “Digital Filters: Analysis, Design, and Signal Processing Applications”,1st Edition, 2018
EEE 593: Special Topics in Communication (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
This course will explore an area of current interest in Communication area of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The emphasis will be on thorough study of a contemporary field within EEE, and the course will be made accessible to students with an EEE background. The syllabus should be approved by the department chair prior to commencement of the term, and a detailed description will be provided before the registration period.