EEE 543: Power Semiconductor Circuits and Drives (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Static switching devices, characteristics of SCR, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, SIT, GTO, MCT. Classifications of static power converters and their application. Control circuits for static power converters. Pulse width modulation; PWM control of static power converters. Switch mode DC to DC converters, resonant converters, Fourier analysis of static converter waveforms, HD, THD, pf, ZVS and ZCS of static converters. Hysteresis current of AC drives. Input/output filter design of static power converters. Design of protection circuits for static power converters. Design of microcomputer controllers for static power converter switching.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Muhammad H. Rashid, "Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Applications", Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition.
• Abraham I. Pressman, "Switching Power Supply Design", McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition.
EEE 560: Optimization of Power System Operation (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
General principles of optimization, its application to power system planning, design and operation. Probability analysis of bulk power security and outage data. Economic operation of power system-economic operation of thermal plants, combined thermal and hydro-electric plants. Theory of economic operation of interconnected areas. Development and application of transmission loss formulae for economic operation of power systems. Method of optimum scheduling and dispath of generators.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Allen J. Wood, Bruce F. Wollenberg, Gerald B. Sheblé, “Power Generation, Operation, and Control”, 3rd Edition, 2013.
• Frank Petruzella, “Electric Motors and Control Systems”, 2nd Edition, 2015.
• Ramar, “Power System Operation and Control” 3rd Edition, SCITECH, 2015.
EEE 561: Advanced Protective Relays (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Review of characteristics of over current, directional, differential, distance and pilot relays. Principles of relay design. Effects of transients on relay operation. Harmonic relaying. Static and digital relays. Applications of static and digital relaying in various protection schemes.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Kezunovic, Mladen, Ren, Jinfeng, Lotfifard, Saeed, “Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Protective Relays for Power Systems”,Springer, 2016.
• C. Das, “Power System Protective Relaying”, 1st Edition, 2018.
EEE 562: Power System Stability (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Principles of angular and voltage stability. Methods of multi machine transient stability: direct methods and time domain simulation. Equal area criterion. Extended equal area criterion, transient energy function (TEF) methods. Nonlinear system stability- Lyapunov’s method. State space concepts and dynamic system representation. Eigen vectors in dynamic system analysis. Detailed modeling, simplifications, salient synchronous machines and induction machines modeling.
Turbine governor, generator excitation systems and their representation in stability models. Power system stabilizers. On line identification and improvement of stability through on line control.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Leonard L. Grigsby, “Power System Stability and Control”, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, 2012.
• Vijay Vittal, James D. McCalley, Paul M. Anderson, A. A. Fouad, “Power System Control and Stability”, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2019.
• Kenneth E. Okedu, “Introductory Chapter: Power System Stability”, 2019.
EEE 563: Power System Planning (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Basic objectives of power system planning. Generation expansion planning process. Electrical demand forecasting; current demand forecasting approaches. Generation planning; economic analysis, expected energy generation, expected fuel cost. Both-Baleriux, cummulant and segmentation methods. Probabilistic simulation of hydro and energy limited units. Expected energy production cost of interconnected systems. Economic aspects of interconnection. Different aspects of load management; effects of load Management on reliability and on production cost. Joint ownership of generation.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• C. Vijayakumari, “Modern Power System Analysis with MATLAB Applications”, 1st Edition, PEARSON, 2020.
• Fawwaz Elkarmi (Amman University, Jordan) and Nazih Abu Shikhah (Amman University, Jordan), “Power System Planning Technologies and Applications: Concepts, Solutions and Management” SCOPUS, 2012.
• Zechun Hu, “Energy Storage for Power System Planning and Operation”, Springer, 2020
• Seifi, Hossein, Sepasian, Mohammad Sadegh, “Electric Power System Planning”, Springer 2011.
EEE 564: Advanced Machine Design (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
General treatment of Electrical Machine Design. Review of standard procedures in design of DC machines. AC machines, transformers and special machines. Optimization and synthesis of design procedures. Applications of material balance and critical path principles in electrical design. Design economics and safety factors. Applications of computers in modern designs including the operation of the machine in the nonlinear ranges: Magnetic flux-plots and heat transfer process etc. Mechanical design of electrical machinery and relation between mechanical and electrical machine design.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Simón Mata, A., Bataller Torras, A., Cabrera Carrillo, J.A., Ezquerro Juanco, F., Guerra Fernández, A.J., Nadal Martínez, F., Ortiz Fernández, A., “Fundamentals of Machine Theory and Mechanisms” Springer, 2018.
• Wei Jiang, “Analysis and Design of Machine Elements”, Wiley, 2019.
EEE 565: Renewable Energy Systems (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Renewable energy technologies: Solar energy, Wind, Batteries, Fuel cells, and Geothermal conversion and hydropower systems. Emphasizes exploration of principles and concepts as well as the application of renewable energy technologies, environmental issues and concerns. The advantages and limitations of these technologies in comparison to conventional sources of energy.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Jean-Claude Sabonnadière, Renewable Energy Technologies, Wiley-ISTE, 2009.
• C. Ngo, & J. Natowitz, Our Energy Future: Resources, Alternatives and the Environment, 2nd Edition, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
EEE 566: Smart Grid (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Smart grids; Intelligent Distribution Networks; Distributed Generation; DG Integration; Solar; Wind; Energy Storage Technologies; Demand Side Management; Load Management; Demand Side Response; Electric Vehicles; Smart Meters; Advanced Measuring Infrastructure; Distribution Management Systems; Islanding detection, Islanding relays, Fault Detection, Isolation, and Service Restoration, Digital relays for Smart Grid protections; relay co-ordination. Monitoring the smart grid, Micro grid, Hybrid Power System, Smart Grid ICT; Wide Area Measurement Systems; Smart Grid Communications; Smart Grid Standards.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• C. W. Gellings, The Smart Grid, Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Response, CRC Press, 2009.
• J. Ekanayake, K. Liyanage, J. Wu, A. Yokoyama & N. Jenkins, Smart Grid: Technology and Applications, Wiley, 2012.
• J. Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, Wiley, IEEE Press, 2012.
EEE 567: Nuclear Power Plant (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Fundamentals of nuclear power, Radioactivity & nuclear reactions, Nuclear fission, Chain reaction in reactors, Reactor thermalhydraulics, Reactor control, Thermal reactors, Breeder reactors, Nuclear fusion, Biological effects of radiation, Reactor safety & security, Waste management & economics.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• R. L. Murray, Nuclear Energy: AN Introduction to the Concepts, Systems and Applications of Nuclear Processes, 6th Edition, Elsevier, Burlington, 2009
• P. K. Nag, Power Plant Engineering, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2008.
EEE 570: Transients in Power System (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Transients in simple electric and magnetically linked circuits, fundamentals: impacts of switching on rotating machinery. Parallel operation of interconnected networks; distribution of power impacts. Interaction of Governor’s in power systems. Overvoltage during power system faults. Systems voltage recovery characteristics. Effect of arc restriking on recovery voltage. Switching surges and overvoltage caused by sudden loss of load and by open conductor.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Dr. Juan A. Martinez-Velasco (Editor), “Transient Analysis of Power Systems: A Practical Approach”, Wiley, 2019.
EEE 571: Power System Reliability (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Review of basic probability theory. Basic reliability concepts. Markovian model of generation unit. Development of load models. Probabilistic simulation of generating systems. Reliability indices. Recursive, segmentation and cummulant method to obtain loss of load probability (LOLP). Modeling of forecast uncertainty. Reliability evaluation of energy limited systems. Different techniques of evaluating reliability, reliability indices of interconnected systems. Composite transmission and generating system reliability.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Kovalev, Gennady, Lebedeva, Lyudmila, “Reliability of Power Systems” Springer, 2019.
• Anders, George, Vaccaro, Alfredo (Eds.), “Innovations in Power Systems Reliability” Springer 2011
EEE 572: Modern Power System Modeling (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Overview of power electronic applications at utility and demand sides; sources of harmonics; utility devices and consumer loads. Various models for nonlinear and dynamic loads. High voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system modeling. AC-DC load flow studies. Modeling of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS): conventional thyristor-controlled reactors and phase shifters, voltage source inverter (VSI) based static condenser (STATCON) and unified power flow controller (UPFC). Transient stability and sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) studies incorporating super conducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) model. Modeling of utility interfaced photovoltaic and wind energy sources. Power quality, cyclic and noncyclic voltage flicker, total harmonic distortion (THD) analysis, remedial measures and harmonic load flow studies.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Zhu, Yue, “Power System Loads and Power System Stability”, Springer, 2020.
• Jan Machowski, Zbigniew Lubosny, Janusz W. Bialek, James R. Bumby, “Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control”, 3rd Edition, 2020.
• Kwatny, Harry G., Miu-Miller, Karen, “Power System Dynamics and Control”, Springer, 2016.
• Wang Xi Fan Et Al, “Modern Power System Analysis”, Springer, 2013.
• Joe H. Chow, Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca, “Power System Modeling, Computation, and Control”, Wiley, 2019.
• Jing Ma, “Power System Wide-area Stability Analysis and Control”, 2018.
EEE 573: Generalized Machine Theory (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to generalized machine theory. Kron’s primitive machine: moving to fixed-axis transformation; Park’s transformation: three-phase to d-q transformation: variable co-efficient transformation: other transformations. Matrix and tensor analysis of machines. Three phase synchronous and induction machines: two-phase servo motor: single phase induction motor. Smooth-air gap two-phase synchronous machine. Two-phase induction machine. The n-m winding symmetrical machine. Diagonalization by charge of variable. Symmetrical three-phase machine and special limiting cases.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Kubat, Miroslav, “An Introduction to Machine Learning”, Springer, 2017.
• Melkebeek, Jan, “Electrical Machines and Drives”, Springer, 2018.
• Frank Petruzella, “Electric Motors and Control Systems”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2020.
• Jagadeesh Babu, “Electrical Drives and Control”, SCITECH, 2018.
EEE 574: Modern Control Theory (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
State space description of dynamic systems: relationship between state equations and transfer function: continuous and discrete time linear system analysis and design using state transition method. Controllability and observability. State feedback and output feedback. Pole assignment using state feedback and output feedback. H control. Optimal control-dynamic programming. Pontryagin’s minimum principle. Separation theorem. Stochastic control. Adaptive control.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Varmah K R, “Modern Control Theory”, CBS, 2017.
• Gopal, Madan, “Modern Control System Theory”, 3rd Edition, New Age International, 2014.
EEE 575: HVDC Transmission Systems (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Evolution of HVDC systems, comparison of HVAC and HVDC transmission systems, components of HVDC transmission system, analysis of HVDC converters, HVDC control, mal-operation and protection of converters, filter design, AC/DC load flow and stability analysis, multi-terminal HVDC, different application of HVDC system, advances in HVDC systems.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• J. Arrillaga, High Voltage Direct current Transmission, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, UK.
• E. W. Kimbark, Direct Current Transmission, Wiley-Interscience, New York.
• K. R. Padiyar, HVDC Power Transmission Systems, Willey Eastern Limited, Second edition.
EEE 576 Computer Methods in Power System Analysis (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
General review of network theory, matrix analysis and computer modeling. Incidence matrices, primitive networks and formation of impedance and admittance network matrices. Algorithms for formation of network matrices. Load flow studies, power flow equations. Gauss-Seidel. Newton-Raphson methods, decoupled and fast decoupled methods of load flow analysis. Control of power flow. Fault studies: Balanced fault study using Thevenin’s equivalent and bus impedance matrix (ZBUS). Unbalanced faults, symmetrical components and sequence impedances. Unbalanced fault studies using Thevenin’s equivalent and sequence impedance matrices. Open circuit fault studies. Introduction to stability studies, swing equation and its solution.
Recommended Text and Reference:
• Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, 3rd ed., Mc-Graw Hill, 2019
• Glober, Sarma & Oberbye, Power System Analysis & Design, 6th ed., Cengage Learning, 2016
EEE 577 Optimal Control Theory and Applications (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Nonlinear optimal control of continuous systems. Calculus of variations, linear state and output regulator problems. Tracking problems. Linear quadratic and Gaussian design. Constrained input and state variable problems. Pontryagin’s minimum principle, minimum time and minimum fuel problems. Dynamic programming, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman conditions for optimality. Optimal state estimation. Gradient techniques.
Pre-requisite: EEE 574 Modern Control Theory
Recommended Text and Reference:
• D.S.Naidu, Optimal Control Systems, CRC Press, 2002
• D.E.Kirk, Optimal Control Theory, Dover Publications, 2004
EEE 578 Adaptive Control (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to the various approaches of adaptive controller design, Real-time parameter estimation, Model reference adaptive control, Self-tuning controllers, Variable structure systems, Gain Scheduling, Robustness issues, Practical aspects of implementation, Typical Industrial applications.
Pre-requisite: EEE 574 Modern Control Theory
Recommended Text and Reference:
• K. J. Astrom & B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Addison Wesley, 1995
• K. S. Narendra and A. M. Annaswamy, Stable Adaptive Systems, Courier Dover Publications, 2012.
EEE 579 Nonlinear Systems (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
Introduction to nonlinear systems and control, overview of phase plane analysis, describing function and limit cycles, Linear systems and linearization, Lyapunov stability theory, Invariance principal, different notions of stability (uniform, uniform asymptotic, exponential, global uniform asymptotic), input-output analysis and stability, Input-to-State Stability (ISS), region of attraction, Invariance theorems, System linearization by state transformation and feedback, partial linearization, zero dynamics, Introduction to nonlinear control techniques: sliding mode control and backstepping control.
Pre-requisite: EEE 574 Modern Control Theory
Recommended Text and Reference:
• K. Khalil. Nonlinear Systems, 3rd Edition. Prentice-Hall, 2002
• S. S. Sastry. Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control. Springer-Verlag, 1999
EEE 597: Special Topics in Power System (3 credits, 3 hours/week)
This course will explore an area of current interest in Power and Control Systems area of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The emphasis will be on thorough study of a contemporary field within EEE, and the course will be made accessible to students with an EEE background. The syllabus should be approved by the department chair prior to commencement of the term, and a detailed description will be provided before the registration period.