Students must complete courses in a sequential order. Once basic skill levels have been attained in reading comprehension, paper writing and public speaking, students can move on to courses that require more advanced skills such as writing short and long essays, writing research papers, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and public speaking in small and large group settings.
Students are required to complete 13 courses/39 credits from 5 streams.
Stream 1: Writing Comprehension
Students are required to take both the ENG courses
Stream 2: Math and Natural Sciences
Students are required to take a minimum of 2 courses
Stream 3: Arts and Humanities
BNG 103 and HUM 103 are compulsory. Students must take a minimum of one more course from this stream.
Stream 4: Social Sciences
EMB 101 is compulsory. After completing EMB 101, students must take a minimum of 1 more course from this stream.
Stream 5: Communities, Seeking Transformation
Students may take only 1 course from this stream