Students will build a solid foundation in core computer science concepts with this degree, learning about everything from network design and operating systems to programming design, data structures, and algorithms, as well as developing the technologies that will define the future. Students may strengthen their logical reasoning and cognitive abilities through this rigorous 124 credit program.
Students can learn a variety of theoretical concepts with a degree in computer science. This is accomplished through actively interacting with concepts and theories, gaining practical skills across the wide variety of subject-related professions, and using those talents to design tools and systems that address challenges in the actual world.
The key components of computer science are thoughtfully balanced throughout the course. The CSE graduates will possess all the essential skills required for their future careers in the computing industry, and the university is extremely confident about this.
Students will build a solid foundation in core computer science concepts with this degree, learning about everything from network design and operating systems to programming design, data structures, and algorithms, as well as developing the technologies that will define the future. Students may strengthen their logical reasoning and cognitive abilities through this rigorous 124 credit program.
Students can learn a variety of theoretical concepts with a degree in computer science. This is accomplished through actively interacting with concepts and theories, gaining practical skills across the wide variety of subject-related professions, and using those talents to design tools and systems that address challenges in the actual world.
The key components of computer science are thoughtfully balanced throughout the course. BRAC University graduates will possess all the essential skills required for their future careers in the computing industry.
The abilities students acquire in this computer science course will prepare them for a career implementing cutting-edge computer science principles in forward-thinking international businesses. Additionally, students will be qualified for a career in academic or corporate research.
Areas: | |
Professor Lecturer Researcher Software developer Quality assurance engineer Data scientist Network engineer IT consultant Information systems manager Database administrator Multimedia programmer Systems analyst Games developer Technical writer Graduate Destinations CSE graduates have worked for companies such as: Amazon Apple Banglalink BJIT bKash |
BRAC Brain Station 23 BRAC University Cefalo Datasoft Dynamic Solution Innovators Ltd Enosis Solutions Eucalyptus Grameenphone HP Microsoft NativeWaves GmbH NewsCred Robi Samsung R&D Therap TigerIT WellDev |
Studying Abroad:
George Mason University
Purdue University
University of Delaware
Virginia Tech
Texas A&M University
University of Alberta
The University of British Columbia
University of Rochester
The California Institute of Technology
University of Washington
North Carolina State University
New York University
The University of Sydney
University of Adelaide
Monash University
University of Toronto
University of Calgary
Program Core:
CSE 110: Programming Language I (3 credits)
CSE 111: Programming Language II (3 credits)
CSE 220: Data Structure (3 credits)
CSE 221: Algorithm (3 credits)
CSE 230: Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)
CSE 260: Digital Logic Design (3 credits)
CSE 321: Operating Systems (3 credits)
CSE 330: Numerical Method (3 credits)
CSE 331: Automata and Computability (3 credits)
CSE 340: Computer Architecture (3 credits)
CSE 370: Database Systems (3 credits)
CSE 420: Compiler Design (3 credits)
CSE 421: Computer Networks (3 credits)
CSE 422: Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
CSE 423: Computer Graphics (3 credits)
CSE 470: Software Engineering (3 credits)
A list of elective courses from the CS department:
CSE 250: Circuits and Electronics (3 credits)
CSE 251: Electronic Devices and Circuits (3 credits)
CSE 310: Object Oriented Programming (3 credits)
CSE 320: Data Communication (3 credits)
CSE 341: Microprocessor (3 credits)
CSE 342: Computer Systems Engineering (3 credits)
CSE 350: Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques (3 credits)
CSE 360: Computer Interface (3 credits)
CSE 390: Technical Communication (3 credits)
CSE 391: Programming for the Internet (3 credits)
CSE 392: Signals and Systems (3 credits)
CSE 410: Advance Programming In UNIX (3 credits)
CSE 419: Programming Languages (3 credits)
CSE 424: Pattern Recognition (3 credits)
CSE 425: Neural Networks (3 credits)
CSE 426: Basic Graph Theory (3 credits)
CSE 427: Machine Learning (3 credits)
CSE 428: Image Processing (3 credits)
CSE 429: Basic Multimedia Theory (3 credits)
CSE 430: Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
CSE 431: Natural Language Processing (3 credits)
CSE 432: Speech Recognition and Synthesis (3 credits)
CSE 460: VLSI Design (3 credits)
CSE 461: Digital System Design (3 credits)
CSE 462: Fault Tolerant Systems (3 credits)
CSE 471: System Analysis and Design (3 credits)
CSE 472: Human Computer Interface (3 credits)
CSE 473: Decision Support System (3 credits)
CSE 474: Simulation and Modeling (3 credits)
CSE 490: WAN Routing and Technologies (Special Topics) (3 credits)
CSE 490: Special Topics (3 credits)
CSE 491: Independent Study (3 credits)
CSE 110: Programming Language I (3 credits)
This course would be an introduction to the foundations of computation and purpose of mechanized computation. Emphasis will be placed on techniques of problem analysis and the development of algorithms and programs. Topics will include:
The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week. Students will be expected to do homework assignments in problem solving and program design as well as weekly laboratory assignments to reinforce the lecture material.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 111: Programming Language-II (3 credits)
This course would be an introduction to data structures, formal specification of syntax, elements of language theory and mathematical preliminaries. Other topics that would be covered are formal languages, structured programming concepts, survey of features of existing high level languages. Students would design and write application using an appropriate language.
The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req. CSE 110 )
Suggested Texts:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 220: Data Structures (3 credits)
Introduction to widely used and effective methods of data organisation, focussing on data structures, their algorithms and the performance of these algorithms. Concepts and examples, elementary data objects, elementary data structures, arrays, lists, stacks, queues, graphs, trees, compound structures, data abstraction and primitive operations on these structures. memory management; sorting and searching; hash techniques; Introduction to the fundamental algorithms and data structures: recursion, backtrack search, lists, stacks, queues, trees, operation on sets, priority queues, graph dictionary. Introduction to the analysis of algorithms to process the basic structures. A brief introduction to database systems and the analysis of data structure performance and use in these systems. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. CSE 111)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 221: Algorithms (3 credits)
The study of efficient algorithms and effective algorithm design techniques. Techniques for analysis of algorithms, Methods for the design of efficient algorithms :Divide and Conquer paradigm, Greedy method, Dynamic programming, Backtracking, Basic search and traversal techniques, Graph algorithms, Elementary parallel algorithms, Algebraic simplification and transformations, Lower bound theory, NP-hard and NP-complete problems. Techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, Emphasising methods useful in practice. sorting; Data structures for sets: Heaps, Hashing; Graph algorithms: Shortest paths, Depth-first search, Network flow, Computational geometry; Integer arithmetic: gcd, primality; polynomial and matrix calculations; amortised analysis; Performance bounds, asymptotic and analysis, worst case and average case behaviour, correctness and complexity. Particular classes of algorithms such as sorting and searching are studied in detail. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week. ( Pre req. CSE 220 )
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 230: Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)
Set theory, Elementary number theory, Graph theory, Paths and trees, Boolean Algebra, Binary Relations, Functions, Algebraic system, Generating functions, Induction, Reduction, Semigroup, Permutation groups, Discrete Probability, Mathematical logic, Prepositional calculus and Predicate calculus.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Final Exam
CSE 250: Circuits and Electronics (3 credits)
Fundamental electrical concepts and measuring units. Direct current: voltage, current, resistance and power. Laws of electrical circuits and methods of network analysis; Introduction to magnetic circuits. Alternating current: instantaneous and r.m.s. current, voltage and power, average power for various combinations of R, L and C circuits, phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. PHY 112 or appropriate experience in electronic circuits)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 251 Electronic Devices and Circuits (3 credits)
Introduction to semiconductors, p-type and n-type semiconductors; p-n junction diode characteristics; Diode applications: half and full wave rectifiers, clipping and clamping circuits, regulated power supply using zener diode.Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): principle of operation, I-V characteristics; Transistor circuit configurations (CE, CB, CC), BJT biasing, load lines; BJTs at low frequencies; Hybrid model, h parameters, simplified hybrid model; Small-signal analysis of single and multi-stage amplifiers, frequency response of BJT amplifier. Field Effect Transistors (FET): principle of operation of JFET and MOSFET; Depletion and enhancement type NMOS and PMOS; biasing of FETs; Low and high frequency models of FETs, Switching circuits using FETs; Introduction to CMOS. Operational Amplifiers (OPAMP) : linear applications of OPAMPs, gain, input and output impedances, active filters, frequency response and noise.Introduction to feedback, Oscillators, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR), TRIAC, DIAC and UJT: characteristics and applications; Introduction to IC fabrication processes. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req.: CSE 250)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 260: Digital Logic Design (3 credits)
An introduction to digital systems such as computer, communication and information systems. Topics covered include Boolean algebra, digital logic gates, combinational logic circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers. Asynchronous and synchronous counters. Registers, flip-flops, adders, Sequential circuit analysis and design. Simple computer architecture. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 310: Object Oriented Programming ( 3 credits)
An introduction to object oriented programming using. Java is the language typically used to illustrate the concepts, but another suitable language may be substituted by the instructor. Topics covered include object instances, classes, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction mechanism. Problem domain analysis and system design using object oriented approach. Object oriented database and object persistency. Software principles for object oriented approach. Advantages and problems with using object oriented approach to developing systems. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req. CSE 111)
Suggested Books:
Suggested References:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 320: Data Communications (3 credits)
Introduction to purpose and methods of communication. Necessity for modulation and techniques. Technical aspects of data communications. Effects of noise and control. Basic concepts such as fundamental limits, encoding, modulation, multiplexing, error detection and control. Topics include: Data Transmission Protocols, different layers in data communication systems, LANs, WANs linked with telephony. This course will include a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each week for those interested in obtaining the CCNA certification.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Final Exam
CSE 321: Operating Systems ( 3 credits)
Principles of operating systems: design objects; sequential process; concurrent processes, functional mutual exclusion, processor co-operation and deadlocks, management. Control and scheduling of large information processing systems. Dispatching processor access methods, job control languages memory addressing, paging and store multiplexing, and time sharing, batch processing. Scheduling algorithms, file systems, and security; semaphores and critical sections, device drivers, multiprocessing, sharing, design and implementation methodology, performance evaluation and case studies. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req.: CSE 221)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 330: Numerical Methods ( 3 credits)
Computer Arithmetic: floating point representation of numbers, arithmetic operations with normalized floating point numbers; Iterative methods: different iterative methods for finding the roots of an equation and their computer implementation; Solution of simultaneous Algebraic Equations, Gauss elimination; Interpolation, Least square approximation of functions, Taylor series representation, Chebyshev series; Numerical differentiation and integration and Numerical Solution of Differential Equations.
( Pre req.: MAT 120)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 331: Automata and Computability (3 credits)
An introduction to finite representation of infinite objects and basic mathematical models of computation. Finite automata and regular languages, pushdown automata and context free languages. Turing machines. Church's Thesis. Partial recursive functions. Undecidability. Reducibility and completeness. Halting problem. Time complexity and NP-completeness. Probabilistic computation. Interactive proof systems. (Pre req.: CSE 221)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Final Exam
CSE 340: Computer Architecture (3 credits)
A systematic study of the various elements in computer design, including circuit design, storage mechanisms, addressing schemes, and various approaches to parallelism and distributed logic. Information representation and transfer; instruction and data access methods; the control unit; hardware and microprogrammed; memory organisation. RISC and CSEC machines. (Pre req. CSE 260)
Suggested Texts:
Suggested References:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Final Exam
CSE 341: Microprocessors (3 credits)
Introduction to different types of microprocessors. Microprocessor architecture, instruction set, interfacing/O operation, interrupt structure, DMA. Microprocessor interface ICs. Advanced microprocessor concept of microprocessor based system design.
The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
( Pre req. CSE 260)
Suggested Books
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 350: Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques (3 Credits)
Diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor gates, MOS gates, Logic families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Propagation delay, product and noise immunity. Open collector and High impedance gates. Electronic circuits for flip flops, counters and register, memory systems. PLA's (A/D, D/A converters with applications, S/H circuits) LED, LCD and optically coupled oscillators. Non-linear applications of OPAMPs. Analog switches. Linear wave shaping: diode wave shaping techniques, clipping and clamping circuits, comparator circuits, switching circuits. Pulse transformers, pulse transmission. Pulse generation:monostable, bistable and stable multivibrations, Timing circuits. Simple voltage sweeps, linear circuit sweeps. Schmitrigger, blocking oscillators and time base circuit. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req. CSE 251, CSE 260)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 360: Computer Interfacing (3 credits)
Interface components and their characteristics, micro processor I/O. Disk, Drums and Printers. Optical displays and sensors. High power interface devices, transducers, stepper motors and peripheral devices. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. CSE 341)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 370: Database Systems (3 credits)
Introduction to concepts and methods for storing and manipulating data in stored form. File retrieval and organisation. Database models and designing of database systems. The principles of database management systems. Relational database management systems. Query formulation and language. Database administration. Methods used for the storage, selection and presentation of Data. Database integrity and security. Students will work with database languages and popular application packages. Common database management systems. Structure of SQL and principals behind the design of SQL. Students must complete four SQL assignments in the lab. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req. CSE 221)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 391: Programming for the Internet (3 Credits)
A survey of current Internet technologies and state-of-the-art web programming methods. Using client/server structures, topics studied will be drawn from JavaScript, JSP, ASP, Cold Fusion, Flash, Document Object Model, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, XML, CGI, TCP/IP and the .NET platform. Programming tools may include PERL, various UNIX shell scripts, Windows batch files, Java and other languages as needed.
(Prereq.: CSE 220)
Suggested Books: TBD
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 419: Programming Languages and Competitive Programming ( 3 credits)
An introduction to the principles of functional, imperative, and logic programming languages. Topics covered include meta-circular interpreters, semantics (operational and denotational), type systems (polymorphism, inference, and abstract types), object-oriented programming, modules, and multiprocessing; case studies of contemporary programming languages. Programming experience and background in language implementation required.
(Pre req.: CSE 111, and CSE 331 or permission of the instructor)
CSE 420: Compiler Design ( 3 credits)
Theory and Practice; An introduction to compiler and interpreter design, with emphasis on practical solutions using compiler writing tools such as Yacc in UNIX, and the C programming language, Topics covered include: lexical scanners, context free languages and pushdown automata, recursive descent parsing, bottom up parsing, attributed grammars, symbol table design, run time memory allocation, machine language, code generation and optimisation. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req.: CSE 221, and CSE 331 or permission of the instructor)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 421: Computer Networks (3 credits)
An introduction to the basics of transport connections and sessions. The protocol hierarchy, design issues in transport and session layer protocol, end-to-end protocols, message handling protocols, terminal and file transfer protocols, Internet TCP/IP protocols. End to end data networks, congestion control networks, wireless networks, mobile computing, high speed networks. Concurrent programming, data link layer, framing and error control, media access control. Models of distributed computation, management and resource control of networks and distributed operating systems, distributed file systems, caching scheduling, process migration. Fault tolerance, network security and privacy, algorithm for deadlock detection. Synchronization and concurrency control in distributed systems. The course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each week if the student wishes to obtain CCNA certification. Otherwise the course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work alternate week.
Prerequisite: CSE 320 for CCNA certification.
Suggested Texts:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 422: Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
Survey of concepts in artificial intelligence. Knowledge representation, search and Control techniques. AI machines and features of LISP and PROLOG languages. Problem Representation; search, constraint propagation, rule chaining, frame inheritance, inference and learning in intelligent systems; systems for general problems solving, game playing, expert consultation, concept formation and natural languages processing; recognition, understanding and translation. Use of heuristic vs. algorithmic programming; cognitive simulations - vs. machine intelligence; study of some expert systems such as robotics and understanding. Solving problems in Al languages. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
(Pre req. CSE 221)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 423: Computer Graphics (3 credits)
Introduction to Graphical data processing. Fundamentals of interactive graphics Architecture of display devices and connectivity to a computer. Implementation of graphics concepts of two dimensional and three dimensional viewing, clipping and transformations. Hidden line algorithms. Raster graphics concepts: Architecture,
algorithms and other image synthesis methods. Design of interactive graphic conversations. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. MAT 215)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 424: Pattern Recognition (3 credits)
Introduction to pattern recognition: features, classifications, learning. Statistical methods, structural methods and hybrid method. Applications to speech recognition, remote sensing and biomedical area. Learning algorithms, Syntactic approach: Introduction to pattern grammars and languages. Parsing techniques. Pattern recognition in computer aided design. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
( Pre req. MAT 215)
Suggested Books:
CSE 425: Neural Networks (3 credits)
An extensive course on neural network architectures and learning algorithms with theory and applications. Temporal and optimal linear associative memories, fuzzy control. Cohen-Grossberg theorem. Unsupervised learning. Higher-order competitive, differential Hebbian learning networks. Supervised learning. Adaptive estimation and stochastic approximation. Adaptive vector quantization, mean-square approach. Kohonen self-organizing maps. Grossberg theory. Simulated annealing. Boltzman and Cauchy learning. Adaptive resonance. Gabor functions and networks.
Suggested Books:
CSE 426: Advanced Algorithms (3 credits)
Graphs and simple graphs, diagraphs, subgraphs, vertex-degrees, walks,, paths and cycles; trees, spanning trees in graphs, distance in graphs; Complementary graphs, cut-vertices, bridges and blocks, k-connected graphs; Euler tours, Hamiltonian cycles, Chinese Postman Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem; Chromatic number, Chromatic polynomials, chromatic index, Vizing's theorem, planar graphs, perfect graphs.
Suggested Books:
CSE 427: Machine Learning (3 credits)
Introduction to machine learning; Supervised and reinforcement learning; Unsupervised learning algorithms; Attribute based and relational supervised learning algorithms; Neural network based learning algorithms; Genetic algorithm and genetic programming; Reinforcement learning algorithms; Computational learning theory.
Suggested Books:
CSE 428: Image Processing (3 credits)
Digital image fundamentals, perception, representation; image transforms; First Fourier Transform (FFT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Karhumen and Loeve Transform (KLT), Wavelet transform and sub-band decomposition; image enhancement and restoration techniques, image compression techniques, image compression standards: JPEG, MPEG, H.261, and H.263.
Suggested Books:
CSE 429: Basic Multimedia Theory (3 credits)
Multimedia System- Introduction; Coding of compression standards; Architecture issues in multimedia; Operating System issues in multimedia- real-time OS issues, synchronization, interrupt handling; Database issues in multimedia- indexing and storing multimedia data, disk placement, disk scheduling, searching for a multimedia document; Networking issues in multimedia- Quality-of service guarantees, resource reservation, traffic specification, happing and monitoring, admission control; Security issues in multimedia- digital water-marking, partial encryption schemes for video streams; Multimedia application- audio and video conferencing, video on demand, voice over IP. Concepts covered in lecture applied in computer laboratory assignments.
Suggested Books:
CSE 430: Digital Signal Processing (3 credits)
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Filtering, Frequency response, Sampling theory, Z-transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Windowing, Correlation & Convolution, Application of Digital Signal Processing. Introduction to Digital Filters, Finite Impulse Response (FIR), Infinite Impulse Response (IIR), Different techniques of FIR and IIR filter design. MATLAB application to DSP; the course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each week. (Pre req. CSE 111 and MAT120)
Text Book:
Reference Book:
CSE 431: Natural Language Processing (3 credits)
Introduction to the field of natural language processing (NLP)- the creation of computer programs that can understand, generate, and learn natural language. The topics include the three major subfields of NLP: syntax (the structure of an utterance), semantics (the truth-functional meaning of an untterance), and pragmatics/discourse (the context-dependent meaning of an utterance). The course will introduce both knowledge-based and statistical methods for NLP, and will illustrate the use of such methods in a variety of of text- and speech-based application areas.
(Pre req. CSE 111, and CSE 422 or consent of the instructor)
Text Book:
Reference Book:
CSE 432: Speech Recognition and Synthesis (3 credits)
Introduction to automatic speech recognition, speech understanding and speech synthesis/text-to-speech from the computer science and linguistics perspective. Focus on understanding of key algorithms including noisy channel model, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), A* and Viterbi decoding, N-gram language modeling, unit selection synthesis, and roles of linguistic knowledge (especially phonetics, intonation, pronunciation variation, disfluencies).
(Pre req. CSE 111)
Text Book:
Reference Book:
CSE 460: VLSI Design (3 credits)
Design and analysis techniques fro VLSI circuits. Design reliable VLSI circuits, noise considerations, design and operation of large fan out and fan in circuits, clocking methodologies, techniques for data path and data control design. Simulation techniques. Parallel processing, spatial purpose architectures in VLSI. VLSI layouts partitioning and placement routing and wiring in VLSI. Reliability aspects of VLSI design. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. CSE 350)
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 461: Introduction to Robotics (3 credits)
Design using MSI and LSI components. Design of memory subsystem using SRAM and DRAM. Design of various components of a computer: ALU, memory and control unit: hardwired and micro programmed. Microprocessor based designs. Computer bus standards. Design using special purpose controllers, floppy disk controller. Digital control system. Computes in telecommunication and control. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
( Pre req. CSE 260)
Suggested Texts:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 462: Fault Tolerance System (3 credits)
Introduction to Fault Tolerant Systems and Architectures. Fault detection and location in combinational and sequential circuits; Fault test generation for combinational and sequential circuits; Digital simulation as a diagnostic tool. Automatic test pattern generator, memory test pattern and reliability. Performance monitoring self checking circuits, Burst error correction and Triple modular redundancy; Maintenance
Suggested Books:
CSE 470: Software Engineering (3 credits)
Concepts of software engineering: requirements definition, modular, structure design, data specifications, functional specifications, verification, documentation, software maintenance, Software support tools. Software project organization, quality assurance, management and communication skills.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Final Exam
CSE 471: System analysis and design ( 3 credits)
Introduces students to tools and techniques in systems analysis and design such as data flow diagram and E-R diagrams. Projects by students where they analyse and design a system using these tools. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work each week.
Suggested Books:
Assessment: Quiz+Assignments+Mid Term Exam+Lab+Final Exam
CSE 472: Human Computer Interface (3 credits)
An introduction to the concepts for human and computer interface. The importance of computer interface, interface quality and methods of evaluation. The relationship of interface quality to interactions with the computer. Interface design, dimensions of interface variability, dialogue tools and techniques, user centered design and task analysis. User interface implementation, I/O devices and user interface for groupware, multimedia systems and visualization. Student will have to submit four assignments on multimedia work in the lab.(Pre req. CSE 221)
Suggested Books:
CSE 473: Financial Engineering & Technology (3 Credits)
This course aims in teaching the integration of business and technical consideration in the design, implementation and management of information systems. Topics include: Is planning and development, business, management, executive, and strategic information systems, including case studies of selected large disaster planning and recovery. The course also includes practical examples of information systems industry.
Suggested Books:
CSE 474: Simulation and Modeling (3 credits)
Simulation methods, model building, random number generator, statistical analysis of results, validation and verification techniques. Digital simulation of continuous system. Simulation and analytical methods for analysis of computer system and practical problems in business and practice. Introduction to the simulation packages. The course includes a compulsory 3 hour laboratory work alternate week.
(Pre req. MAT 215)
Suggested Books:
CSE 490: WAN Routing and Technologies (Special Topics) (3 credits)
The course focuses on advanced IP addressing techniques (Variable Length Subnet Masking [VLSM]), intermediate routing protocols (RIP v2, single-area OSPF, EIGRP), command-line interface configuration of switches, Ethernet switching, Virtual LANs (VLANs), Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), and VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). The course will also focus on advanced IP addressing techniques (Network Address Translation [NAT], Port Address Translation [PAT], and DHCP), WAN technology and terminology, PPP, ISDN, DDR, Frame Relay, network management, and introduction to optical networking. The course includes a compulsory 3-hour laboratory work each week if the student wishes to obtain CCNA certification.
Prereq.: CSE 320 and CSE 421
CSE 490: Special Topics (3 credits)
This course will explore an area of current interest in Computer Science & Engineering. The emphasis will be on thorough study of a contemporary field within CSE, and the course will be made accessible to students with an intermediate, undergraduate CSE background. The syllabus should be approved by the department chair prior to commencement of the term, and a detailed description will be provided before the registration period.
(Prereq.: Permission of instructor)
Suggested Books: TBD
CSE 491: Independent Study (3 credits)
For students interested in any of the following ways of studying Computer Science & Engineering: independently exploring an advanced topic under a faculty instructor; conducting significant research under a faculty supervisor; or doing an internship in industry under the supervision of industry and faculty advisors. In each case, the student must first identify a faculty member within the CSE department to oversee his/her work, and then write a proposal to the department chair outlining the means and objectives of the project. The proposal must be approved by the intended faculty supervisor and department chair prior to commencement of the term. At the end of the term, the student must submit a detailed report and/or give a presentation of the results, before the final course grade may be awarded.
(Prereq.: Permission of instructor)
CVIS (Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems)
The Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems Research Lab inspires innovation among the students to realize their vision. It aims to design and implement research projects in the fields of computer vision, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine vision, medical image processing & analysis, 3D vision, virtual, augmented & mixed reality, and so on.
Thesis Lab
Students have access to a dedicated, highly equipped computer laboratory that has been set up with the sole objective of aiding their thesis work.
General Computer Laboratories
Advanced computer laboratories are available for students to complete their coursework and explore their knowledge further.
Student Tutors/ Teaching Assistants
Dedicated tutoring sessions are available for students 24/7. Student tutors are available on campus from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and online support is given via Discord, Google Meet etc till 1:00 am.
Dedicated Consultation Hours of Faculty Members
Alongside weekly lecture hours, all faculty members provide dedicated consultation hours and tutoring sessions.