Bangladesh Preparedness Partnership (BPP) is a unique multi-stakeholder partnership led by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) with technical support from the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The partnership aims to improve coordination between local actors from national to sub-national levels in Bangladesh through a ‘Whole of Society Approach’ promoted by the SOD 2019. The Department of Disaster Management of the School of Architecture and Design (SoAD) at Brac University is one of the academic partners of this program. A team of faculty members and students joined the National Level Workshop arranged on 13th November 2024 at the Holiday Inn hotel in Dhaka.
The workshop was conducted by the Sankofa, a consulting firm from the USA. Dr. Imon Chowdhooree, Associate Professor and Director (Acting) of Postgraduate Programs in Disaster Management (PPDM) of the Department of Disaster Management, as the focal person from Brac University was there along with Mr. Tasfin Aziz, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Architecture. Both of them are involved in one of the major components of the BPP program, which is applying the Matrix of Indicators for the Assessment of Response Capacity at the Municipal Level to Natural and Biological Hazards in three municipalities in Bangladesh. Representatives from the government sector, private sector, and NGO sector also attended the workshop.