Professor Abdur Rab, Chairman, Department of Business Administration of BRAC University attended the International Conference on "Managing Beyond Boundaries" organized by the Regional College of Management in association with AICTE and AMDISA in Bhubaneswar , India, on 26 March, 2001. He presented the keynote paper in the inaugural session of the Conference, which was attended, among others, by the Vice Chancellor of Utkal University and Minister of Industries of Orissa Government. The theme of the paper was "Strategies for Managing Beyond Boundaries: Challenges and Strategies for South Asian Managers". The paper identified the different types of boundaries that constrain the vision and practice of managers confining their focus of attention to local and immediate problems. He urged the South Asia managers to widen their vision to global scenario, to come out of the boundaries and adopt strategies to become competitive globally. He suggested several strategies to manage beyond boundaries. He also chaired the technical session on Emerging Changes in Service sector. Over 200 participants including paper presenters from SAARC countries and USA attended the conference. Professor Rab also conducted a seminar on Strategies for Career Planning and Career Success on 28 March, 2001 in the Regional College of Management. He portrayed a scenario of managerial job opportunities at home and abroad. He underscored the role of high quality education and the over riding importance of self-motivation of the students in acquiring professional excellence. He also discussed major strategies students could consider in preparing themselves for a successful career. The Faculty members, students of the College and invited guests attended the seminar.