“It is not always necessary to sacrifice your career for your family life or your family life for your career. Do not let your husband choose for you. Because you can choose your husband”, said Prof. Chang at an event of Brac Bank while addressing women entrepreneurs.
Child caring and household keeping at home count as unpaid work that does not fall within the organised market economy, and thus do not get counted in the national income.
The President and Vice-Chancellor of Brac University Professor Vincent Chang focused on this very particular issue while giving a talk as chief guest of the “Tara and Babson Celebration Night” at LakeShore Hotel on July 9.
He said that women played a significant role in economics. The economic value of women’s unpaid care work is significant. But it was hardly being counted in national economy.
He also interacted with the participants as well as shared success stories of other business women to inspire them.
Brac Bank TARA organized a celebration ceremony to honour the women entrepreneurs as they completed the country's first ever international entrepreneurial development training programme by Babson College, an entrepreneurial powerhouse often ranked as the most prestigious entrepreneurship college in the US, and FMO, a Dutch financial investment firm specializing in financing businesses and projects.
Lila Rashid, General Manager, SME & Special Programmes Department, Bangladesh Bank; Professor Patricia G. Greene from Babson College; Evangelos Alamaniotis, Investment Officer; and David Hernandez Velazquez, Investment Officer, FMO; Selim R. F. Hussain, Managing Director & CEO; Brac Bank were present at the event.