BRAC University uses Social Media and Networking tools to connect with current students, prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community. Social media sites use two-way communication to create networks among users. Whether they enable discussion, the posting and sharing of photos and videos, or creating or promoting events; like, share and subscribe and get connected with BRAC University.
The official Social Media Pages and Channels are below:
Facebook We post current affairs news, events, photos, information and the most popular items in Facebook
Twitter We share news, events, photos etc. and interacting with users. It covers major university events in real time
YouTube The central hub to all official BRAC University videos.
LinkedIn The followers are gradually increasing in BRAC University’s LinkedIn Pages. Make sure you follow & engage BRAC University LInkedin University page.
Flickr Social site for photo storage, sharing and organization. Get comments, notes, and tags on your photos, post to any blog, share and more+
Instagram Way to share the sights and sounds of campus and post real-time photos.