Faculty Name
Working Relationship with Other National, Regional and International Institutions
Prof. ATM Nurul Amin |
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok as its Professor Emeritus
United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan as Guest Editor of its journal, Regional Development Dialogue (RDD), Vol 36, Issue Regional Development in the Context of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and as an of Expert Member of its 3R international team.
Centre of Development and Employment Research (CDER) as Research Fellow and its BoT Member.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) and Rajshahi Development Authority (RDA) for contributing to, as an urban and regional economist, prepare the Master Plan of Rajshahi Metropolitan Development Plan.
Contributing to Local Economic Development (LED) Strategy Development Project of Shibgonj/Rajsjahi and Jashore, swisscontact/SDC.
Prof. Shahidur Rahman |
Copenhagen Business School Tufts University and Danish Ethical Trading Initiative , funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Royal Holloway, University of London and Aconsa AB, a Swedish Consultant firm.
BIGD, LSE,University of New South Wales, The Freie University, Volkswagen Foundation
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Center for Entrepreneurs and development (CED)
University of Gothenburg
University of Essex
C&A Foundation
Zurich University of Applied Science
Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment (DIFE).
Prof. Farzana Munshi |
RAND Corporation, USA
Development Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg
World Bank
Bangladesh Employers Federation
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS),
Planning Commission of Bangladesh.
Dr. Samia Huq |
Chowdhory Center for Bangladesh Studies at UC Berkley
Musawah: Equality in the Muslim family Malaysia
Princeton University, University Center for Human Values
University of Connecticut
International editorial board of contemporary South Asia Taylor n Francis.
Georgetown University, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, World Affairs
Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame, USA
Dr. Seuty Sabur |
Oxford University Press, Bibliography
Center for Bangladesh Studies at UC Berkley
National Women’s Studies Association’s
Department of Women & Gender Studies, College of Liberal arts at the UMass Boston
Cardiff university
IIT Delhi
Singapore National University
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society
Bangladesh Mahila Parishad
Bangladesh Garments Shanghati
Dhaka University
Dr. Rubana Ahmed |
Beautiful Mind (School for autistic children)
Mr. Tanvir Shobhan |
Queens University, Belfast, UK
Swiss Development Corporation
Economic Research Group (ERC)
Mr. Shehzad M Arifeen |
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society
Ms. Nazrina Haque |