Professional Development Centre (PDC) of BRAC University (BRACU) organised a talk on Theory of Knowledge (TOK) at its Mohakhali campus on Sunday, 11 March, 2018 at 10.00am. As a part of the persistent endeavor of outreaching to the diverse and effective pedagogical approaches, the Professional Development Center invited Usha Kasana, the IB-DB Coordinator of Aga Khan School. Ms. Kasana has a plethora of experience of teaching at various level of education.
She facilitated a very intense two hour session for the faculty members and students of BRAC University on the topic of 'Theory of Knowledge' which mostly emphasized on the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. The raw material of TOK is knowledge itself. Participants think about how knowledge is arrived at in the various disciplines, what the disciplines have in common and the differences between them.
In order to justify the effectiveness of her session, she tagged four students of Aga Khan School and they demonstrated some very interesting concepts. Around 120 participants were present in the session including Pro-vice chancellor, Dr. Ansar Ahmed, Registrar, Md. Foyzul Islam, Director of BRAC Institute of Languages, Lady Sayeda Sarwat Abed and Dean of BRAC Business School, Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury. Lady Abed concluded the session with vote of thanks and with a remark that the inclusion of multi-disciplinary approach to the pedagogy is crucial for being at par with the modern education system. The whole session was organized and coordinated by the Professional Development Centre.